Sassy Little Thing Read online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Crime, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 71632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

He stares at me, blankly.

I stare back at him. “Your sister ...”

“What about my fuckin’ sister?”

Wait. If this isn’t about his sister, then what in the ever-loving hell is it about?

“She crashed out front of your house today, in her car. I went out there, took her to the hospital. She’s perfectly fine, not injured, but she asked me not to call you. So, I didn’t, but I was going to come right home and tell you.”

He shakes his head a little. Looking slightly, exasperated.

“Don’t give a fuck about my sister, that isn’t what this is about, and you know it ...”

I blink.

I do?

“Pardon me?”

He steps forward, reaching out and curling his fingers around my shoulder, a little too harshly for my liking. I swallow because, suddenly, it seems like the situation is very serious, and whatever it is they think I’ve done, they’re not happy about it. At all. I stare up at him, horrified. “Get your hand off me, now,” I whisper hiss.

I’m a lot of things, I’ll take a lot of things, but I will not be manhandled by anyone, especially not a biker trying to intimidate me, for what reason, I still do not know.

“You’re goin’ to tell me the truth, and you’re goin’ to fuckin’ do it now,” he growls.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I spit. “I literally have no idea!”

“Bullshit,” he roars so loudly I flinch and jerk my shoulder out of his grips.

I’m not sure what I’m most horrified about, the fact that Mason is treating me like this, or the fact that the other men are standing there, doing absolutely fucking nothing.

“Are you seriously going to stand there and let him grab me like that?” I say to Malakai, horrified.

“You did the wrong thing, Saskia. We don’t take kindly to that shit. Admit it. Do as he asks, and you can go without any consequences.”

“What in the ever-loving fuck are you talking about? I did nothing. I’ve done nothing!”

Mason makes a low, angry, growling sound. “I can’t fuckin’ believe that after every fuckin’ thing, you’re honestly standin’ here telling me you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about. You filthy, fuckin’ liar!”

I flinch and jerk backward. “What?” I whisper, horrified.

“Last chance, Saskia. Before I get really fuckin’ pissed.”

I blink and tears, unfamiliar tears, burn under my eyelids. “I have done nothing. Not a damned thing.”

“Fuck,” Mason roars. “Cuff her, we’re leavin’.”

I beg ... Cuff me?

Hell. No.

I step backward, putting my hands up, when Koda and Boston step forward.

“Firstly, if you so much as take another step I will lose my fucking mind and secondly, I might be small but I sure as shit will not go down without a fight. I will kick every one of you in the damned balls, and that would be a damned shame for your girlfriends, and future biker children, but I’ll do it.”

“Sorry,” Malakai says. “Until we know who you’re workin’ for, and what you’re sharin’, and you tell the truth, then we can’t have you away from us. You’re goin’ to be kept at the club.”


“And we’ll do what we fuckin’ have to, to get you to tell the damned truth,” Mason hisses.

I stare at him, and the moment I do, the two men step in and in a split second I’m spun around and cuffed. I screech and lash out, but it’s pointless. Koda comes in behind me, curling a big arm around my chest and crushing me against him.

“No point in fightin’, it’ll only make it worse.”

My bottom lip trembles.

This is serious.

And really, really bad.

“I didn’t do anything,” I whisper. “I did not do anything.”

“Bullshit,” Mason growls, stalking toward me and leaning down so we’re eye to eye. “We both know you did. All this fuckin’ time you’ve been lyin’ to me, usin’ me, so you could help your little boyfriend out. For all we fuckin’ know, you’re in on it all, workin’ the club over. It’s a fuckin’ genius plan, really.”

“What the hell are you on!” I spit. “What could I possibly give him from the club? What?”

“He’s heavy into drugs, I’ve got a lot of cash, the club has a lot of connections, it doesn’t take a genius. You do love the mother fucker, after all.”

That hurts, like a slap to the fucking face.

He knows how hard this has been on me.

And now he’s accusing me of working with Enzo, to what? Steal? Lie? Cheat? What? It makes absolutely no sense, and yet they’re all so convinced I’ve done something wrong. Something they’re so sure of.

Only I don’t know what that is.

I have literally no idea.

And it’s about to get me into a lot of trouble.



“Malakai!” Scarlett snaps. “You cannot be serious!”

I’m gagged. Literally gagged.

When they got me back to the club, they asked me once more if I was going to admit what I did, I told them to go and get fucked, quite literally, and that got me gagged. I’m not going to confess to something I didn’t do, and I sure as shit didn’t do anything. I asked them to tell me what it was I apparently did, to which none of them would answer. Apparently, if I’m not going to admit it, they’re not going to tell me.

