Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“Great.” I look at my phone. “Jude?”

“What do you mean, he’s off limits? What is that?” His voice comes in clear as I go to open my mouth to backtrack, but can’t move or speak as a motorcycle pulls into the driveway, blocking the exit of my car.

“Holy shit.” I stand.

“What’s wrong?” Jude’s voice sounds far away as my heart skips a beat, and my face instantly flushes.

“I have to go,” I whisper, ignoring him yelling not to hang up as I absently press End and watch Brett’s long-muscled thighs in his dark suit slacks get off his bike.

Holy God, he’s here. How is he here? I swallow and try to look calm, but I’m not. Not even a little. Jesus, he’s so beautiful. Like a dark god, he walks toward me. Tan skin, starched white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up.

“Breathe, Alex.” His voice, that deep, commanding voice that makes me shiver. As I stand like a mute watching him approach me.

“Breathe.” This time, I blink and suck in air as he stops in front of me.

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you think I’m doing here?” He takes off his sunglasses so I can see his eyes.

Ocean blue.

They stare at me, but this time, they aren’t blank. No, this time they are filled with…oh my God.

I shake my head because I needed this five days ago, not now. He doesn’t just get to walk up to me after I’ve been humiliated, slowly dying each day, and look at me like this.

My own eyes are getting blurry with tears as I suddenly break free of this spell he’s got over me and take a step back.

“No.” I shake my head. “You don’t get to do this!” I scream because I’m so angry I’m starting to shake, and all he does is cock his head and smile. His fucking dimple teases me, trying to trick me into giving him my heart again.

Not this time.

“I’m leaving.” I point at my car that’s stuffed so full clothes they are pushed up against the back window. He doesn’t look over. He just stares at me, and suddenly, I’m very aware of the full force of what Brett Powers really is.



“Come here,” he demands, but I shake my head.

“You don’t get to do this to me. Why aren’t you at the thing…getting the head deanship?” I can’t think straight; he’s robbed me of all vocal skills, apparently.

Because Brett Powers is here.


Looking at me like he...

“I gave it all up.” He takes a step forward as I take a step back.


“I. Gave. It. Up.” This time, I do shiver because oh God…

“Why?” I can’t breathe, my mind is gone, spinning. I’m fighting a fight that at this point seems futile because all I want is him.

“Come here, baby.”

I swallow, my chest rises up and down as he takes the next step.

“I think you know why.” He stands in front of me, so close I can smell his fresh clean scent. So close I can feel the heat from his body claiming my own as he reaches for the back of my neck.

“You asked me for my truths.” His eyes caress my face. “Here they are. I have an I.Q. of over 166. I could read when I was two. I’ve spent my entire life missing something, trying to fill it with this constant need to be the best. I jumped out of a plane at seventeen, and for a split second, I was free. I had peace, and everything in my mind was quiet. It didn’t last. And I’ve been chasing that rush, searching for that thrill to complete me.” His hands tighten in my hair.

“Until you.”

“Oh my God.” I breathe out, feeling the tears, but not caring as his thumb wipes them away.

“I love you, Alexandrea. You’re my ultimate rush. My missing piece. Nothing in this world, not my job, the thrills, none of it compares to you.” His mouth is kissing and licking my tears.

“Those are my truths.” I cling to him, forcing my mind to think.

“Talk to me. What’s going on in that beautiful head?”

“But you love teaching…your work, tell me you didn’t quit for me...” I exhale a shaky breath.

His blue eyes darken as an arrogant smirk graces his lips. “Do you really think I’d do something I don’t want to do?”

“No.” I sniff, he’s right, no one can make Brett Powers do anything he doesn’t want to.

“I love you, Alex. You’re it, baby. I’d give up the world for you,” he states.

“Brett…I...” My voice hoarse because I’m crying and laughing as I throw my arms around his neck. His lips take mine, hard, demanding and I can’t get enough as our tongues tangle and he lifts me up.

“I love you,” I sob out.

I don’t care about the past; he loves me. I know this deep inside, I knew it the first second I saw him. He says I’m his missing piece? Well, he set me free.

