Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“I trust you.” She swallows.

“How about I take over?” There’s a finality to my voice. She licks her lips and nods. I grab the lube and squeeze a ton on my cock.

“Give me your hand.”

She looks up at me, brows knit in confusion.

“Now jack me off,” I murmur, and she reaches for my dick.

“Oh God,” she groans as her hand glides up and down on my gelled-up cock.

“Faster,” I grunt, gripping her hand in my fist, so I can show her how hard I like it. “Fuck, just like that.” My nostrils flare. “Look at you jerking me off.” Peering down, I watch her hand going up and down on my cock, the thick red mushroom tip looking angry.

“Brett…” she moans as I grab her hand to stop. Otherwise I really am gonna come.

“What did you call me?”

Her eyes shoot up at me.

“Spread your legs,” I say, slapping her pussy.

Gasping, she digs her nails into my shoulder and abdomen. I’m beyond trying to be gentle. Alex can take it.

“Get on the bed.” I turn her, and instantly, she climbs on all fours. My hand caresses her ass cheeks as I push her cheek down onto the bed.

“That’s my girl. Stay just like that.” I grab the lube and squeeze more on my cock and on my finger. Slowly I rub back and forth on her tiny hole. She groans loudly.

“Such a nasty girl wanting me to fuck your ass.” I ease my middle finger into her tight, hot hole.

“Holy shit.” She moans out as her nails scrape and claw on my comforter while I move my finger slowly in and out of her ass.

“Yeah, that’s it, Baby Girl, just relax.”

“I… Oh my God.” She pants as I keep going in and out, adding another finger, trying to get her prepped.

“I think… can I come?” Her tiny hole is already pulsing and contracting. Smiling, I let her chant and scream yes over and over. I pull out my fingers and grab my cock, lining it up at her pulsing hole. Pushing forward slowly, I watch my tip stretch it open and close my eyes because this pleasure can’t be described.

“Jesus Christ, you’re fucking tight.” As I slowly go in a little more, her body instantly tenses.

“Breathe, Alex. You’re doing so well.” My voice sounds harsh to my own ears. I’m ready to fucking come, but it feels too good to end. She takes a breath and my hands tighten on her hips as I look down and groan. My cock is not even halfway in, but fuck, it looks hot.

“Dean…Brett…fuck, oh fuck,” she chants over and over. I watch as I pull out and slide back in, inch by inch.

“Baby. Do you have any idea how fucking good you feel? Rub your clit, Alex.” Sweat drips down my back. Frantically, she reaches for her clit and almost sobs as I go farther in, still chanting.

I close my eyes, and my stomach muscles tighten. “Rub that clit hard and come,” I grunt.

“Yes.” She pants. Her ass starts to pulse and clench so tight I see black dots. I stop moving because this is ecstasy as her body does the rest.

“Oh God, Brett, I’m coming… Dean, Brett.” She pants, her tiny hot hole just latches on my cock, continuing to contract.

“Yeah, Fuck, baby…” Letting go, I find my own nirvana, maybe even see God as my cock spits out my seed in hard, pulsing waves inside her ass.

“Christ, Alex.” I blink, trying to bring the world back into focus before I slowly pull out of her. Truth be told, I barely made it halfway in.

“You did good, baby,” I praise her as she lies panting and spent on my bed, my seed spilling out of her as she still pulses.

“That was…unbelievable” She sounds stunned.

Reaching for her, I lift her into my arms and walk us into my bathroom.

“It was, right?” Snuggling her nose in my neck, she mumbles, “I know I’m not as experienced, but—”

“You, Alexandrea, are without a doubt the best fuck I’ve ever had.” I grin, letting her body slide down mine, and turn on the shower.

She laughs. “You’re so romantic, such a smooth talker.” She sighs dramatically, then laughs as I look down at her, waiting for the water to heat, trying to ignore the way my heart aches and almost burns as I fight the need to rub it.

“I can’t lie. You have the tightest cunt and ass I’ve ever had.”

Her eyes widen. Pulling her into the shower, I silence any of her outrage with my mouth.

I need to take her to her car.

I should be sated. My obsession and needs appeased.

Instead, I deepen the kiss, all thoughts of anything but her swirl down the drain.


“Wake up, Baby Girl.”

I groan and bury my head in the pillow, my hand reaching out for him.

