Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“It’s the last ten minutes.” They stare at each other, then she rolls her eyes and waves her hand.

“No volume.”

“As you wish.” His lips twitch, and he sits down at the head of the table.

“So now that we are all here, let’s hear all about the honeymoon.” Natalie sings the last part as she reaches over to cut some cheese before slathering it on a slice of bread.

“Should I tell, or you?” Raven straightens, smiling into Jett’s eyes.

His hand caresses her hair as if it’s the most natural thing to do. “Well, you, of course.” He looks at her like she walks on water. Jesus, he worships her.

I look down at the table, feeling like a voyeur. Because it hurts to watch them. Which is terrible. I should be happy for people who are in love, not jealous. But I want that. I want Brett to look at me the way Jett looks at Raven. Brett’s tan arm reaches over me for a bottle of red wine, and he pours a glass for me and one for himself.

“It was absolutely beyond amazing. Half the time I thought I was dreaming it was so perfect.” Raven proceeds to tell us in detail about all the places they went. The food they ate, the romantic sunsets… apparently, they’ve been all around Europe on a yacht this past month.

Plates full of Natalie’s spaghetti and meatballs are served as everyone laughs and talks, and I sit soaking it up like a sponge. Clearly, Brett loves his family and is super close with them. I gaze at him sitting in his chair, his arm casually on the back of mine as he laughs at something his dad said.

And there goes my heart again. I’m so focused on Brett I’m not even listening to the conversation anymore.


My eyes shift to his mom, who sits with her hands under her chin, clearly waiting for my answer to a question I did not hear.

“Sorry, what was that?” My face burns, and I can tell they all know I was staring at Brett.

“I asked you where you’re from.” She leans back as a member of her staff removes her plate.

“Oh, well.” I sit up and lick my lips. “I’m originally from Ohio, and I have a twin brother whom I miss terribly, but I’m really proud of him because he got a full-ride football scholarship to Ohio State, so…”

“Really?” Brett’s dad reaches for more wine. “I’m a huge college football fan. What position?”

“He’s a quarterback. But he’s a freshman, so I don’t think he’s had much playing time yet–”

“Your twin is Jude Carter?” he asks as the whole table goes silent.

Brett’s hand tightens on my shoulder.

“Um, yes,” I say slowly, and it dawns on me that if Jude’s a freshman, that means I’m a freshman… fuck.

“Where exactly did you meet my brother?” Jett’s voice makes my eyes dart to his and then Brett’s, as if he can rescue me. He just sits back and smiles, his eyes almost daring me to do it.

So I do.

“I’m his student in his Environmental Engineering class.” And that shuts the table up. Besides the sound of a dog barking, it’s like we’re in Sleeping Beauty, and everyone has been frozen in sleep until Natalie jumps up.

“Dessert? I made a pie.” Her voice is loud, and I almost choke on the wine I just brought to my lips.

“You know me, Mom. I love pie.” Brett turns to rub my back. “You okay? Here, drink some water.” He takes the wineglass from me and replaces it with water as I gasp.

This has gone from a wonderful dinner to a nightmare in seconds.

“Thank you,” I say, my eyes finding his, and again all I can do is think he’s fearless, like he is not fazed at all that I told his family I’m his student. In fact, he basically told the table he likes to eat… Oh my God.

“Brett, why don’t we give Mom a hand with the pie.” His brother’s voice makes me want to cover my face because he got it and doesn’t look happy.

“Absolutely.” He stands, leaning down to give me a quick kiss on the lips, then walks away.

My brain is spinning, silently begging him to return.

“So you go to California University? Now that we’re home, Jett has been throwing a fit for me to go back to school, but he wants Stanford.” Raven moves over to Natalie’s empty seat. “Do you like CAU?” Her kind eyes almost make me want to cry. It’s like she gets it and is trying to be my friend. I take a deep breath and look over at Brett’s dad, who is staring at his glass of bourbon as if he’s deep in thought, then back at Raven.

“So far, I love it.”


“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jett doesn’t even wait for us to get into the kitchen as he turns and gets in my face. We’re almost the same height, so having his face close to mine makes me want to punch him. Instead, I walk around him toward the kitchen.

