Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“Here you go.” Jordan sets down a large cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin.

“Oh, Jordan. You did not have to get me a muffin.” I tilt my head up at him as he sits.

“Stop it. My dad is loaded.” He leans back, pushing his glasses up, and I can’t decide if I should be grossed out that he’s a braggart or if he’s just trying to impress me.

“Well, thank you.” I smile and take a sip of coffee, thankful the place is crowded and everyone is talking. Otherwise, this would be awkward.

“So. My notes.” He reaches down to pull out his laptop.

I sigh. “You know what? I think I’m going to drop engineering, so don’t worry about it.”

His eyes, which I’m just now noticing are brown, widen. “Why? You can’t. I mean, if you’re worried about being behind, I’ll help you.” He moves his coffee to the side so he can place his computer on the table.

“No, it’s just everything, you know? I mean, my car is broken, and it’s in the shop, and I seem unable to make it on time. Which is not making Dean Powers happy…” My cheeks flush because I’m trying to be casual, yet just saying his name makes my stomach flip, so I bring the coffee to my lips, barely even tasting it.

“Why didn’t you say something? I could have picked you up, and as far as Dean Powers goes, he believes he’s God around here, but my dad can make or break him.” He leans back as my eyes narrow on him.

“Wait, what?”

“Look.” He shrugs, opening his laptop. “I know everyone thinks he and his brother walk on water. All I’m saying is he still has to answer—”

“I’m sorry.” I sit up and put my coffee down. “His brother? I’m confused.”

Jordan looks up from the computer. “Jett Powers.” He pauses like I should know this name. “That’s his brother. You didn’t know that?” He smiles like this makes him happy.

“No. I mean, I’m from Ohio,” I say, fighting my need to grab my phone and google him.

“Anyway, you can’t drop the class. You’re my only friend in there, and it’s only day two. You need to give it a chance.”

I purse my lips. “The thing is, I hate having to get notes from you…” He holds up a finger at me as he dramatically hits a button.

“There, sent. Now you’re not behind.” He shuts his laptop.

I take a deep breath and glance around the busy place. There are way more people here now, and a line is forming. “I feel like all I say is thank you.” I smile. “But thank you.”

He laughs. “You’re welcome.” When he tries to hold my gaze, it’s uncomfortable again.

“Well, I had better start toward my next class.” I move to stand.

“Wait.” He bolts up, causing the couple to my left to look at us. “What are you doing on Friday? Because my fraternity is having a party, and it’s going to be epic. You need to come with me.”

Reaching for my backpack on the back of the chair, I shake my head. “Can’t. I need to get organized and caught up on everything.”

“Alex?” He reaches for my wrist, then catches himself and clears his throat, his hands going into his pockets. “You need to have some fun. You just got here. Have you even been to a party yet?”

“No, but I don’t go to parties.” With a laugh, I reach for the muffin. I’ll eat it as I walk.

“You have to come. Please, as my friend…” He cocks his head at me.

I sigh. This is exactly why I hate for people to buy me anything or do stuff. I feel guilty saying no. Like I accepted his notes, and now I feel obligated to go to his stupid party.

“I’ll see. Thanks again for everything.” I start toward the door.

“It’ll be fun. I’m gonna remind you on Friday, and wait—” He types on his phone. “There, I just emailed you my number. If you need a ride while your car is getting fixed, let me know.” He smiles.

“I will.” I nod. “And thanks again for this.” I hold up the muffin. “And again for the notes,” I say over my shoulder. Pushing the door open, I walk out into the warm day and make my way toward the English building. I’m forcing myself to get there before I stalk Brett and his brother on the Internet. Walking over to a large palm tree, I pull out my phone and type Jett Powers. Pictures of a truly gorgeous man pop up as I scroll.

“God, I’m really out of it,” I hiss because his brother is like the biggest defense attorney, and kind of famous. This is when my childhood friend Christy would have come in handy. She loved to keep up with all the trends and who’s who. I was always way too busy studying. Not that I don’t love social media, but I mostly scroll through dog videos and makeup tutorials rather than staying up to date with the latest gossip news.

