Rom – Silver Saints MC Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 143(@200wpm)___ 114(@250wpm)___ 95(@300wpm)

Much later that night, we were exhausted and sated as we lay in bed, my body curled around hers and my hand resting on her slightly curved belly.

“Didn’t think it was possible for it to get any better than fucking my pregnant old lady,” I murmured. “But damn, fucking my pregnant wife was more amazing than I could’ve imagined.”

“Our life is more than I ever thought I’d have,” Layla said softly. “Thank you for wanting me, loving me, and giving me such an amazing family.”

“You got it ass-backward, gorgeous. I had no life before you. You and our babies are everything to me.”



I loved the life I’d built with Roman and the time I had been able to spend at home with our children before they were old enough to go to school. But now that our youngest was headed off to kindergarten, I was excited to teach again.

Ryan glared up at me, his little fists planted on his hips. “I wanna be with you, Mommy.”

“Sorry, buddy.” I crouched down so we were eye level. “The school rules are that parents can’t teach their own children, remember?”

His chin jutted out. “Uh-huh, but it’s no fair.”

“I’m sad that I don’t get to spend all day with you too, but Miss Thompson is awesome. You’ll have so much fun with her,” I promised.

His lip curved into a pout. “But I getta have lunch with you?”

I nodded and ruffled his hair. “Every day.”

“Okay.” He heaved a deep sigh and stomped over to the kitchen table to join his siblings.

Ross stopped shoveling his waffle into his mouth long enough to roll his eyes and mutter, “None of us had Mom for our kindergarten teacher, and we did fine. Stop being a baby.”

“Be nice to your brother,” I chided my eldest.

Lea elbowed Ross in the side. “Yeah, going to school the first time is scary.”

“Scary?” Ryan echoed, his eyes widening.

“Nice going,” Ross snorted. “Now you gave him something else to freak out about.”

“Who’s freaking out about what?” Roman asked as he strode into the kitchen, heading straight over to me to brush his lips against mine. “Morning, gorgeous.”

“Good morning.” I jerked my chin toward the plate I’d already made for him. “There’s a waffle for you.”

“Only one?” He patted his six-pack abs. “I worked up an appetite.”

My cheeks filled with heat as I remembered exactly how he’d done that—by making me come twice in the shower this morning before he fucked me. “There’s another in the waffle iron that’s almost done.”

“Thanks, gorgeous.” He gave me another kiss before carrying his breakfast over to the table and dropping onto the chair next to Ryan. “You worried about the first day of school, little man?”

“Uh-huh,” our youngest mumbled around a mouthful of his breakfast.

Roman shook his head with a chuckle. “Glad to see it isn’t hurting your appetite.”

I often swore that both of our boys had hollow legs with how they could put away food. Not that it was a surprise since their daddy had a healthy appetite. In more ways than one as he’d aptly demonstrated at every opportunity over the nine and a half years we’d been together. Carrying his second waffle over, I teased, “Like you’re one to talk.”

“Only because you do such a good job tempting me”—he deliberately paused to tilt his head back and wink at me—“with all of the delicious food you make.”

“Don’t forget that it’s your turn to show off your cooking skills tonight,” I reminded him.

He gave me a light swat on the butt. “As if I’d ever forget something I promised you.”

Lea bounced on her seat. “Ooh, can you make burgers on the grill pretty please?”

“No, I want steak,” Ross argued.

“Pizza!” Ryan screeched. “With pineapple and ham.”

“Sorry, guys. It’s Mom’s choice for dinner tonight since this is a big day for her.” He patted Ryan on the shoulder while giving me the side-eye for having corrupted his taste in pizza toppings. “And you already got to pick breakfast since it’s your special day too.”

“It isn’t burgers, steak, or pizza, but I still think you’ll all be happy with my choice.” Four pairs of hazel eyes stared at me until I added, “I want your dad to make his spaghetti and meatballs tonight.”

“Yay!” our children cheered.

“Hurry up and finish your breakfast so Dad can drop us all off at school.”

Roman still managed Liquid Silver for the club, so his mornings and early afternoons tended to be free. We normally traded off school drop-off and pickup duty, but the plan was for me to take it over from now on since I had to head there for work anyway. Except for today since my husband had put his foot down and insisted on taking us all this morning.

I wandered back to the counter and made sure everyone’s lunches were packed, including mine. Then I slid my feet into a pair of faux pearl and rhinestone ballet flats that were both adorable and super comfortable since I would be on my feet all day. As soon as everyone ate, we made the mad dash to Roman’s extended cab truck and piled inside.

