Rocket (Grim Road MC #1) Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Grim Road MC Series by Marteeka Karland

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45515 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“And I’m gonna be. Listen to me first.”

Her eyes were wide, blue pools, glazed with lust as she looked up into mine. She was trembling as she lay beneath me and sweat glistened on her forehead and upper lip. “Please, Rocket. I-I need…”

I kissed her again, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She opened willingly, meeting my thrust with one of her own.

“Now, listen to me, Lemon. Really listen.” When she gave a small nod, still clinging to my gaze with her own, I slid the tip of my cock inside her and stopped. “This is it, Lemon. You claimed me and that claim is gonna stand. You’re my old lady. There is no going back.”

“I don’t understand. I figured you’d kick me out once I helped you or when you got tired of me.”

I barked out a laugh. “Honey, first of all, there is no fuckin’ way I could possibly get tired of you. You will run circles around me like no other woman ever could. Because you’re you. Second, honey… We’ll talk about the club later, but you have to understand what Grim Road is before you can understand that this is who we are. The way we operate. You can’t change us because it’s ingrained in us to keep secrets. Even from each other.”

“You’re wrong,” she said, reaching up to stroke my beard with her delicate hand. “You can change. You have to. Otherwise, someone in this club you love will die and you could have prevented it. Then, because you’re you” -- she grinned up at me, throwing my words back at me -- “you’ll regret it. Horribly.”

Then she gripped my ass and pulled me farther inside her. I saw the wince and felt her sharp inhalation. And I knew I’d just taken her virginity. Or, rather, she’d given her virginity knowing exactly what she was doing.

“Fuck, woman.” I shuddered as I felt her heartbeat around my dick. “Fuck!”

She whimpered but didn’t let go of my hips. Instead, she pushed back slightly before pulling me back, essentially fucking me at her own pace. The second she became comfortable, when her face was flushed with only pleasure instead of pain or any discomfort, I settled my full weight on her and took over.

Lemon sighed, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down to kiss her. Her little tongue tangled with mine for a long time. I continued to move slowly until I felt her heartbeat quicken and her breath hitch as the pleasure slowly began to build back to a fever pitch.

I broke the kiss, my gaze locked on hers. “You ready for this, Lemon? This is real. You’re in deeper than you know.”

She nodded, her eyes seeming to glow with determination.

“I mean it. No more secrets, no more hiding. We’re in this together. You will know my every secret and possibly secrets of other members of the club I know. We’re a team.”

“That’s all I wanted, Rocket,” she said softly. “Since the moment I first saw you. I wanted you to be mine, but…” her voice hitched. This was a side of Lemon she didn’t let anyone see. I doubted if either of her sisters had seen this vulnerable, unsure side of her. Lemon was larger than life. She wasn’t a woman who showed her belly to anyone for any reason. Yet, she was doing exactly what she demanded of me. She was giving me the honest truth. The truth about how she felt and what she wanted. Her dreams. Her fears.

“Tell me, honey.” I stroked her cheek tenderly, brushing a kiss over her chin. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I don’t see how a man like you could want someone like me.”

I barked out a laugh. “Baby. Why in the world would you think that?”

“I’m too young, for one thing.” Then her features hardened. “But I’m not waiting any longer. And I’m not giving up on having you.”

“Baby, you have me. That’s not something you’ve gotta worry about.”

“I don’t…” She winced, shaking her head slightly. “You’re my first fuck buddy,” she said with more strength that I thought she had at the moment. I knew it hurt her to phrase it that way but I thought she might have done it to sound like she could give a damn when she’d just admitted how badly and how long she’d wanted me.

“OK, stop.” I flexed my hips so that I was inside her as far as I could go. “I don’t know what you think this is, but one thing we are not is fuck buddies. You’re my woman. How many times do I have to say it before you believe it?” I trailed kisses over her neck and chin before meeting her lips with mine again. “You’re the one who claimed me. Why is it so hard to believe I’ve claimed you right back and that I’m holding you to your claim? This is what you’ve gotten yourself into. You’ve got to live with me. For the rest of our lives.”

