Rock Hard Neighbor Read online Rye Hart

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75285 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

His hands were everywhere. Cupping my tits and running down my side. They made quick work of my pants, pulling the heated material from my body. The cool mountain air streaming in from the open kitchen window hit my pussy, causing me to shiver as his eyes looked down upon me.

They were hungry, and I knew exactly what he was hungry for.

He grabbed a chair from the other side of the island and sat down. His hands pressed my legs open, folding them back up to me as he eyed my dripping pussy. I was exposed to him, shivering on top of the creaking countertop as I looked down at him.

His eyes hooked on mine one last time before his lips descended to my folds.

He kissed them repeatedly, making me jump and whimper. His beard tickled the insides of my thighs as I slowly wrapped my legs around his head. My fingers ran through his hair as his tongue pierced my folds, sliding right into my entrance. I arched into him as my nails raked across his scalp, and his hands wrapped around my thighs so he could pull me closer to him.

His tongue felt like fire as he teased electricity up and down my legs. His tongue licked thick stripes up my slit, then swallowed down my juices as he hummed into me. His voice rattled my ribcage, and his hands held me down, pinning my movements to the countertop as his tongue worked my clit.

I could feel myself dripping into his beard. I could feel my legs trembling against his back. His lips wrapped around my clit and pulled it into his mouth, his tongue flicking at lightning speed. I was breathless and at his mercy as my eyes watered with want. I gripped onto his hair as I tried to buck into him, wanting to chase my high on the tip of his tongue.

But his hands held me down as he teased me generously, turning me into a moaning mess.

“Please, Brian. Oh, please. I can’t. I can’t wait. You’re driving me crazy.”

I felt him smile into me as my back arched again. I wanted to be so close to him. I wanted to come at the ministrations of his tongue. If he would let me come, I could give him what he wanted. If he could release me, my name would tumble from his lips.

If he could just send me over the edge, I would give him something in return.

Finally, his hands gave way. They slid down my thighs and parted my knees once again. I rocked into him as much as I could as he pinned my knees toward my chest. His entire body was hovering over me as his eyes hooked onto my face. I could feel sweat gathering at the nape of my neck. I could feel my body flushing with orgasmic delight. His tongue flattened out over my clit as juices dripped down my ass crack.

I was so close I could taste it.

“Come for me,” he said. “Show me how much you want it.”

My back bowed like an overstrung violin as my orgasm exploded through me. My legs shook and my abs contracted. My tits bounced, and my eyes screwed shut. Stars burst in the darkness of my vision as my hands gripped his hair, pulling him closer and closer as my pussy throbbed for more. His tongue worked me expertly, throwing me quickly into a second orgasm that peeled his name from my throat.

“Brian! Holy shit! Oh, Brian.”

I collapsed onto the kitchen counter with a thud as it creaked and wobbled. Brian lapped at me one last time, cleaning my pussy with his tongue before he gathered me into his arms. He sat us in the chair as I straddled his lap, my face panting into the crook of his neck. Every cell of my body was buzzing with electricity, and it took me a lifetime to find my voice again.

“Give me a second, and I’ll be ready,” I said breathlessly.

But all he did was place a chaste kiss on the top of my head before he picked me up.

He carried me over to the couch and laid me down. He pulled a blanket over my half-naked body, then tucked me in as he knelt down next to me. I could see my arousal glistening in his beard as a flush crossed my cheeks, and for the first time since I’d met Brian, I saw him smile.

“I have to go,” he said. “Tanya will be leaving soon, and I have some things to do around the house.”

“Oh,” I said, nodding. “Okay.”

His chuckle was low and resounding, filling the corners of the room as his smile dwindled into a smirk.

“I’ll see you Monday after breakfast,” he said.

“Please stay,” I said in a whisper.

His grin fell from his cheeks, and his eyes began to darken. He stood up from the edge of the couch and slowly made his way to the door. He wiped my essence off his face with the sleeve of his shirt, then grasped the doorknob before he turned to look back at me. I hated that he had to leave. I hated that I couldn’t reciprocate anything. He was the sexiest man I’d ever come into contact with, and he was going through hell right now. I wanted to give him a distraction. He had devoured my body as if it had been his first meal in days, and I was about to pass out right here on this couch.

