Risky Business Read Online Lauren Landish

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 111414 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 446(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

My balls are heavy with need, and I imagine that’s how she feels too. On edge. Unwilling to deal with the hassle of her panties, I pull the string further to the side, desperate for every drop of her desire. Without warning, I bury myself in her, my nose in her ass and my tongue dipping into her pussy.

“Shit,” she gasps as she arches her back to give me more access to every inch of her.

I let her sounds guide me as I taste her sweetness with my hungry mouth and eager tongue. Coating my finger in her juices, I circle it on the tightness of her ass, teasing the sensitive flesh there too. “Can I touch you here?”

“Fuck, yes. You can touch me anywhere, Carson,” she whines, her hips bucking. “I’m so close.”

Her encouraging, needy words crank the throttle on my efforts, my fingers, tongue, lips, and more squeezing, licking, pressing, sucking, and grabbing her everywhere I can reach.

“I can’t wait to taste your cum,” I confess, the words mumbled against her flesh, but she must understand because she cries out. It’s all the warning I get before she convulses, her hips bucking as she loses herself. I hang on to her as best I can, shoving my tongue deeper into her, savoring the deep, tangy sweetness. The pulses of her orgasm let my finger slip into her ass the tiniest bit, and she arches hard. It gives me the room I need to suck her clit into my mouth and flick my tongue over it as fast as possible.

She flies again, or maybe it’s the same orgasm? All I know is that she’s soaking me and I want to drink every drop, swallow her essence until she can’t come any more.

Her fist bangs on the seat of my motorcycle, and I think she might even be biting the leather. Usually, I treat my ride with kid gloves, never risking anything that might damage it. But Jayme could gnaw a damn hole through the seat right now like a rabid raccoon and I’d look at that spot fondly, remembering this moment.

When she sags, panting and shuddering, I stand up. Letting my hands trace up her thighs, I grab her ass again, using my thumbs to part her folds. I ask her again, “Do you want me to fuck you right here on the side of the road?”

We’re barely out of sight, not by much, but there are still no headlights for miles. We’re utterly alone here, but there is something dangerous about fucking on the side of the road. She knows it and I know it. This is definitely something she would’ve warned me about, or even yelled about, a few weeks ago. But I know her answer before she speaks. Still, I wait, wanting her to say it.

“Yes. Carson, fuck me hard and fast,” she gasps. “Fill me up.”

I rip my pants and underwear down, letting my painfully hard cock free to the night air. Slowly, I give myself a stroke, squeezing tightly at the base so I don’t come as soon as I feel her velvety walls gripping me. Still bent over, she looks back over her shoulder at me, watching as I line up with her core.

I grip her hips hard, secretly hoping the fingerprints stay this time, and slam into her. Her back arches so hard that I hear a faint crackle in her vertebra, and she throws her head back, her face lifting to the moon. Her moan is broken by the hitch in her breathing.

I grunt at the feeling of her silky tightness surrounding me and press in again, going even deeper. I think I bottom out inside her, but the primal sounds coming from her throat guide me to do it again.

Each stroke is deep and hard, and gradually, I pick up speed until I’m pounding into her. My thighs slap hers with every thrust, and I pull her hips back until her ass hits my hips each time. We’re wild and powerful, raw and animalistic.

I’d be worried I’m being too rough with her, but she’s there with me every hammering stroke of the way. “Yes, yes, yes,” she grunts in time with our movements, encouraging me to give her more.

I slide a hand up to her hair, weaving my fingers in near the root to tug sharply. She hisses, which I take as a good sign. Letting go of her hip momentarily, I lay two quick smacks to her ass, and I feel a quivering spasm grip my cock.

“Can you come again?” I demand.

She nods, moaning. “With you.”

“Get there. Make your pussy suck me dry.” The order is gruff and crude, but I feel a fresh gush of Jayme’s juices coat us. And then I feel her fingers slipping around my cock, gathering the wetness before centering over her clit. She is so fucking sexy, taking her pleasure on my cock and getting herself off again. “That’s it. Fucking perfect.”

