Replacing My Ex Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 77663 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

What Cecile didn’t know was that losing her home was just the beginning. It was just by a stroke of luck that I was able to have the kid removed from her care so quickly. When I’d asked Kieran to go through Dan’s house, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I guess you can say we hit the motherlode.

Dan had kept recordings, which he downloaded to a hard drive, which showed Deidre medicating her son, among other things, which was all that was needed for an emergency injunction.

I’d already contacted Diedre’s sister and told her about her nephew and the fact that his mother was looking at spending the rest of her life behind bars. For the rest, I had to pull some strings and grease some palms here and there, but it was worth it.

As I’d long suspected, the kid was not Dan’s, but what was even more fulfilling was what had happened to Cecile in the interim. She’d made herself broke fighting for a kid that wasn’t hers and would never be. That was part of my plan.

I knew she would lose what family she had left when her in-laws learned about the sale of the house because they had a deal, something I was privy to, thanks to my investigation. I also used her journals to prove to them that they had wronged their son, which I found through her family, who had cut her off years ago.

Her sister was only too happy to share them with me. I’m not sure why they never used them against her before, but according to the sister, it was because of the kids. That was her parents’ decision, but now that they were gone, she had no reason to hold back. Plus, I paid her nicely for the journals.

With those journals, her house of cards came tumbling down. Now she was without a home, her husband had filed for divorce, and her daughters wanted nothing to do with her. She was done.

Last I saw, she was sleeping across the street from the place where she’d slapped Amanda. I happened to see her there on one of Amanda’s doctor visits and had my men run her off from there not long after. She had obviously gone insane in the weeks after and was now a resident of the state’s mental wards.

Diedre’s murder case wasn’t over yet, but she’d been given the maximum for the drugs with a chance for parole in twenty. I don’t expect her to ever get out. Her sister had taken the kid with a hefty sum I’d given her, which was from the sale of Cecile’s house, along with the insurance money Dan had left my wife, which she signed off on.

That, along with everything he and Cecile had in their portfolio had been put in a trust for the kid. It was enough for college, a home, and a lavish wedding, among other things and if handled correctly, which I mean to see that it is, it should help him through life.

Now that that chapter in our lives is over, I can look forward to the future with my family with no dark clouds hanging over us. I’d asked Amanda if she wanted to go to the funeral, but she claimed she was too busy with our children and furthermore had no desire to revisit that part of her past.

After the day I gave her the news she hadn’t cried once, nor has she brought it up, I asked if she wanted to talk to someone but she said our talk was all she needed and she had moved on a long time ago so there was nothing more that was needed to be done.

Our whole focus these days have been the babies who are growing faster than I can blink and keeping me on my toes. That daughter of mine seems to want to do everything sooner than she’s supposed to while her brothers mosey along at their own pace.

She can barely crawl across the damn floor but she’s already taken over my house. She’s got an attitude already at barely six months old, but every time I look into those eyes I lose my train of thought and forget what it was the little shit had done to raise my ire.

She always seem to know when her mother and I want alone time because that’s when she starts her shit. She sleeps like she works in the fucking mines. Like she needs to be up at the ass crack of dawn and no one else can get any peace for her.

Her mother claims that it’s my fault because I always give in to her demands but I don’t know what else she expects me to do when the kid is always dragging me into her shit.

