Reluctantly His – Gilded Decadence Read Online Zoe Blake, Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Forbidden, Mafia, Virgin Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 77335 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 309(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Romney started as his shoulders hitched high over his ears. His gaze shifted around us, searching the crowd. “If that gorilla comes anywhere near me again, I’ll have him arrested for attempted murder.”

His threat chilled my rebellious ardor. It wouldn’t serve to gain my freedom by having Reid’s taken away. To diffuse the situation, I lied. “That bodyguard has been let go, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still guarded. I suggest you walk away.”

“Come with me now.” He grabbed my arm again, this time hard enough to hurt. “This marriage is happening if I have to whip you all the way up to the fucking altar.”

“Let go of me.” I tried to pull my arm away, but he squeezed tighter. Any tighter and he’d break my arm. “I am not going to marry you. The engagement is off.”

“You don’t get to make that call,” he seethed as he dragged me to a more secluded point on the deck.

I dug my heels in, not wanting to move. “If you don’t let go, I will scream!”

Before he could respond, there were several loud gunshots, then a booming voice, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery.”



My eyes widened as I lowered my body and moved closer to the wall.

A thousand thoughts clashed around my mind.

Where is Hunter?

Is Ginnie safe?




It was too cruel that the moment I decided to actually start living by telling a man I loved him, I would be gunned down in a vicious robbery.

At least we weren’t with the main guests…

While people screamed and cried out, the gunmen corralled them at the bow. Several of the ski-masked men held out open black backpacks as they demanded jewelry, phones, and wallets.

This was all so very strange.

What kind of thieves robbed a yacht full of people? It seemed like an incredibly chaotic and foolish thing to do. There were countless places to hide. It required a boat as a getaway vehicle, which was not guaranteed since someone could sound the alarm before they even reached the harbor.

So odd.

I surveyed the situation from a side deck on the starboard side, slightly out of view, as I desperately searched the assembled crowd for Ginnie’s familiar face. I didn’t see her. Hopefully she was safe below deck.

Safe for now.

Oh, why had I left my cellphone in my cello bag?

As I hunched against the wall, straining to hear the demands of the robbers, Romney straightened to his full height and cleared his throat.

I snatched at his sleeve. “Get down, Romney.”

Instead, he wrapped his hand around my wrist and wrenched me away from my meager shelter. He then marched down the hall, toward the men with guns.

I yanked on my arm. “What are you doing? Romney? What are you⁠—”

As we came within view of everyone, Romney cleared his throat again. “Here now. I demand you cease this nonsense immediately.”

A wave of nausea forced bile into the back of my throat as the dark, beady eyes of all five gunmen trained on us.

Through fear-clenched teeth, I whispered, “Shut up,” as I tried to twist my wrist out of his grasp.

Romney looked down at me. In a loud voice clearly meant to be heard over the tense din of the party guests, he said, “Do not fear, my darling bride. I will keep you safe from these ruffians.”


Is he serious?

One of the masked men stepped forward. “Oh really, tough guy?”

He reached a black gloved hand out to me and snatched the diamond and platinum tennis necklace from around my neck. He then held it aloft. “What are you going to do about it?”

Romney threw off his jacket. “How dare you touch my bride! Now you’ll pay.”

What is happening?

Why does this feel like a bad soap opera?

Romney surged forward and attempted to seize the man’s gun by the barrel.

They struggled.

As I stared, dumfounded, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and wrenched me backwards.

My heart soared. Reid.

I turned to see the stern continence of Hunter, his associate. “Get behind me.”

While incredibly grateful that he was here to protect me, there was still a part of me that was disappointed it wasn’t Reid, as ludicrous as that idea might have been, since Reid would have no way of knowing I was in danger right now.

With his body as a shield and using Romney as a distraction, Hunter backed away as his hand hovered over his sidearm.

Before we got out of earshot, I heard Romney whine. “You’re supposed to give me the gun!”

What the fuck?

Just as we neared the stairwell to the lower deck, one of the gunmen spotted us.

He raised his gun. “Hey, you two! Stop!”

Just then Romney, showing courage I didn’t think he was capable of, stepped in front to block us. Placing his hands on his hips, he puffed out his chest. “Don’t worry, Charlotte Manwarring. I, The Honorable Romney Horace Zeigler, future The Right Honorable Lord Zeigler, heir to the Zeigler barony, will protect you.”

