Reigniting Chase Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 104305 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

I’m surprised you think so. As much as I found Chase to be attractive, I would still be satisfied with a platonic friendship. The man needed someone in his corner. Someone who also understood the most important aspects of his life. Have you forgiven me for kissing you yet?

Have you forgiven me for cracking open your skull?

Depends on if you started beta-reading my book. I pretty much figured he’d used it to start a fire by now.

I counted ten heartbeats before I got Chase’s next text: It’s good.

“Whoa,” I whispered, then apologized to Timber for disturbing him again. He groaned and stretched out to take up even more real estate. “I’m so glad I bought a king bed just for you, your highness.”

I pulled my attention from the four-legged bed hog and back to the two-legged man I wished was hogging my bed. Only good?

So far. Actually, I think it’s your best one yet…

“Listen to this, Timber. C.J. Anson says this is my best book yet. How about that?” I didn’t even get a glaring eyeball that time.

You remind me a lot of that P.I.

I frowned. Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?

He’s YOUR character, you tell me.

I tipped my head back against the headboard and grinned up at the ceiling.

Yes, the man was as boarded-up as a Blockbuster Video store, but I occasionally got a glimpse of the man he used to be. Or whom I assumed he used to be.

Then I would say it’s a compliment, since under his bumbling ways Dexter is a genius.

I don’t think you’re bumbling or a genius, came the reply.

My grin got bigger. You don’t know me well enough yet to have been truly dazzled by my geniusity. I added a big grin emoji on the end for good measure.

What the hell? That’s not even a word.

We’re authors. We’re allowed to make up words. Man shrugging emoji.

No. Angry face emoji.

I chuckled. Okay, then… how about this? Blinded by my brilliance. Man wearing sunglasses emoji.

Still questionable. Eye roll emoji.

Let me prove it to you. Praying hands emoji.

I don’t need proof. I need to get back to reading, even though I should be writing. When I’m destitute due to not getting my next book done, I’m blaming you. Man cursing emoji.

Shock face emoji. If you’re desperate, I can loan you money. Even though you probably still out-earn me a million-times over despite not putting out a new book in years. Dollar sign emoji. Dollar sign emoji. Dollar sign emoji.

I might be teasing him but it had to be true.

Public records showed what he paid for those two hundred acres. That information had been easy to find online. Of course, the house he sold on Long Island most likely paid for the mountain property and still left him enough money in the bank for the improvements he had done to it.

The man would survive. Monetarily, anyway.

The great C.J. Anson said I’m the best writer EVER.

Let’s not get carried away.

I quickly texted, I can now die happy since all my dreams have come to fruition.

“Oh shit.” I didn’t think first before sending that.

Should I apologize? Should I wait to see how he responded to that first? Maybe it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

I got nothing but silence in return.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I stared at my phone, hoping I didn’t just screw everything up, willing him to write the next text even if he called me a callous asshole.

I chewed on my bottom lip as minute after minute ticked by.





I couldn’t wait any longer. I hit the phone icon at the top of our string of texts.

It rang and rang and rang, then went to voicemail. “Shit!”

I sent another text instead of leaving a message. Sorry for being an accidental dick.

Two more minutes went by. I should just cut my losses and go back to watching my movie.

Unlike me, who’s a dick on purpose? popped up on my screen with a man shrugging emoji.

You said it, not me, I typed back, adding an upside down smiley face emoji.

But you were thinking it.

You can hear my thoughts all the way up on your mountain?

Of course, because you’re loud even when you’re just thinking.

I snorted softly so I wouldn’t disturb my dog’s much-needed rest. He had a rough day today from chasing bunnies in his sleep. Then, can you disregard all those thoughts I had about you? Praying hands emoji.

Which ones?

The ones where we were both naked. At the same time. Doing some questionable but very satisfying things.

Silence again.

I quickly typed out another message so I wouldn’t sound like such a perv. You know how it is for us authors… Our imagination sometimes runs wild.

The only thing was I didn’t have to imagine Chase naked. I knew exactly what the bare bear looked like. I had locked that tidbit away and revisited it often.

