Redeemed Royal (Duke of Tudor #3) Read Online Amarie Avant

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Duke of Tudor Series by Amarie Avant

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

“War was declared between the Tavarian people and those still in Saudi Arabia since the sheikh’s assassination. Anyone with half a brain comprehends that one must wipe out the entire lineage. Not just the sheikh and his princess. He has bastard sons, you know.”

“I don’t give a bloody fuck about Al Rafi’s sons.”

Silas sips his whiskey. “All I’m saying is one eradicates all descendants, even the wives. They could claim to be carrying the sole heir later.” Oblivious that I’ve grown stiff, Silas continues to ramble, “I’m surprised you had the balls to murder him without my assistance.”

“Oh, is this the part where I have myself a laugh, Silas? I should’ve groveled and begged you to assist me with murdering a fat old bloke and the cunt from his loins?”

“Stop it!” The flat of Sila’s hand strikes the wooden side table. “Damned the treaty. You signed a stupid piece of paper. You damn well know that I hadn’t expected you to play by the rules, Victor. You never have! Just the thought of you never bearing arms for the sake of your woman is ludicrous.”

“Because of my woman, I won’t kill you today.” I offer a psychotic laugh.

“You’ve deliberated murdering your own father?” He gasps sarcastically.

I glare through him. “The day you placed a rifle in my hand, only fear stopped me from creating a target out of you.”

“You’ve targeted me before, Victor.” The padding of Sila’s index and middle finger slide over the puckered area where I stabbed him with Al Rafi’s pen. “And to think, I’m why you survived a second time. To return home and claim your woman. I resented you in the beginning, Victor.”

“I don’t care.”

“The first child.” He pauses to pull heavily at his cigar. “After a few years of me condemning you with my bare hands, I saw your resilience. Would you have gone back for Luxury if I hadn’t instilled such values in you, boy?”

“Yes,” I reply confidently.

“Ahhh, the Tudor blood is self-assured. Just as sure as you would have gone, you would have died, Victor, devoid of my training,” he spits out. “Perish the bloody thought.”

I pour myself another round, settling back in my seat. “Although I’d rather welcomed that probability, I’ll be man enough to agree with you in that regard, Silas.”

As I scrub my hands through my hair, Silas seems relieved by my agreement. “You created a monster in me, one who’d not shy away from death,” I say. “Nevertheless, the first time I scented the Saudi Arabian air, I was there under an assignment. I craved blood.”

“What’s wrong with that?” The sweet scent of cigar smoke clouds the air.

I roll my eyes away. “I don’t want to kill anyone anymore.”

“You said you weren’t going to kill me. Tonight, you’ll cease your depraved pastime, will you not?”

Sitting forward in my chair, I grit out, “That’s why I’m here. I’m marrying the woman I once treated like shite. I will be a better man to her as God is my witness.”

“Oh . . . God?” His brow kicks.

“You will not be invited to our nuptials. You will not set your filthy gaze on your grandchildren.” I pause to cork half a smile. “You know, I could imagine Mother bawling her fucking eyes out if I were having such a conversation with her.”

Silas nods. “Oh, the pretty princess would cry and faint.”

“I don’t want you in my life. I never did.”

“I thought I excelled at that portion of your verbal stipulation already.”

I point at him. “Allow me to make this crystal clear to you, Father. If I see you and it’s not at your mother, The Queen’s insistence, I will kill you.”

“You may try, Victor.”

“I will.” Arising, I brush down the lapel of my suit, and because I’m livid, I add, “You might want to know, your mother offered me your titles.”

And just like that . . . I get the rise out of my father that I expected. The envy I craved. Silas pitches his glass into the fireplace. The contained flames lick wildly in an explosion before the fire is restricted to a constant crackle once again. As heat swirls around us, Silas points his cigar in my direction. “You lie, Victor! I’m no longer a disappointment to my mum.”

“I assure you,” I cut in, irritating him with my brisk demeanor, “you are and always will be.”

“What I did for you in Saudi Arabia . . . I saved your life! What you did afterward in returning is because of me. I taught you, Victor.”

“I’ll grab a few of your servants,” I say at the door. “Have them come in to remind you of your importance a time or two. How does that sound?” Oh, Vicky, now you’re just being a dick. I wink, closing the door. It’s no matter. My father’s shouting carries straight through the wood.

