Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“And I will find the asshole who was dating you to get close to me, then threatened to kill you if you talked.”

She was so scared. But she knew she had to trust him to take care of her and himself.

“I don’t want to lose you, Sacha. You’re all I have.”

He wiped away her tears. “Am I?”

She frowned, confused.

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re all I have too. And I understand the fear of losing those you love. But you’ll always have me. No matter what. My love isn’t contingent on your behavior. You don’t have to be or act a certain way to keep it. I’ve failed to teach you that.”

“You haven’t!” she said. “I’m a grown woman. I shouldn’t be this way.”

“Uncle was a good man in a lot of ways,” he said. “He took me in, kept me safe, but the best thing he did was give me you. However, I didn’t always agree with the way he did things. Not when it came to you. I know that he taught you to be stoic, to hold everything in, and to never ask for help or show weakness. But that’s not healthy.”

“But you never show weakness,” she said. “You’d never anyone see you falter.”

“I know, Kotyonok. But it’s different for me. I am the Pakhan. Besides, this is the way I am, anyway. You do not need to be like me. You should be free to feel the way you want. And while there are some things you cannot do, and there will be times when you cannot fall apart . . . you should at least be able to come to me. To fall and know that I will always catch you.”

She was confused.

That wasn’t how she’d been raised.

“I don’t⁠—”

“Swear to God, if you tell me you don’t want to be a burden, I’m going to spank you.”

Both of them seemed a bit shocked after he said that. Then she let out a giggle. She didn’t really know where it came from; it just escaped.

And Aleksandr actually relaxed and smiled. “Sorry. Took the big brother thing a bit far.”

“Yeah, you’re never spanking me.”

Now, Colm, on the other hand . . .

Immediately, she felt terrible knowing she could have caused issues between Aleksandr and Rogan.

“You need to tell me what’s going on between you and Finlayson,” Aleksandr demanded.

“Um. Well . . . nothing.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like being lied to, Sofia.”

“Yikes. You sound just like him.”

He raised an eyebrow.

Yes. There were definite similarities.

“We kissed,” she blurted out. She could feel herself blushing. “I . . . I like him. But I’m not good enough for him.”

His face grew stern. “Excuse me? You’re not good enough for him? I can tell you now that it’s definitely the other way around.”

She shook her head. “It’s not. He’s perfect. He’s amazing. Kind and protective.”

Sacha gave her a look filled with disbelief.

“He didn’t mean any of what just happened,” she added quickly.

“He thought I stood by while you were being abused,” Sacha said, sounding horrified. “That I was okay with it.”

“He’s just upset. He’s been awake all night.”

“And how would you know that?”

“Um, well, he cared for me after Oleg kidnapped me. He even sat up all night to watch me when my back was playing up, and every time I had a nightmare, he’d touch me, and apparently, I’d stop frowning and fall back asleep.”

And she was probably saying too much.

“He’s a good man; he deserves someone who isn’t broken like I am. Who doesn’t make mistake after mistake.”

“Sofia, you’re too hard on yourself,” he said quietly but firmly. “You are not broken, and I do not like you saying that about yourself. Believe me, he doesn’t deserve you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered. “Even if he was interested in me before, I don’t think he is now.”

“Really? Were you not here just before when he looked like he was about to tear me limb from limb over you?”

She bit her lip. “He was just upset over Oleg.”

“I am upset over Oleg. Finlayson looked like a man who would raze this city to the ground if someone looked at you wrong.”

She bit her lip. Was he right?

Suddenly, the door opened and Rogan MacGuire stepped in.

“Have you forgotten how to knock?” Aleksandr said dryly.

“I don’t knock,” Rogan said arrogantly. “Also, I have friends coming to dinner tonight, and Miller is all worked up about it. So I’d like to get done here so I can get back to her. I also don’t appreciate being escorted out of a room.”


Did he come in here looking for a fight?

“I don’t appreciate being accused of letting someone abuse my cousin.” Aleksandr stood with his arms over his chest. “What do you want, MacGuire?”

“I came in to check on Sofia. Colm is worried about her. He’d like to see her.”

