Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“That’s a no.” He frowned at her. “You’re lucky you’re not mine.”

Lucky she wasn’t his?

For some reason, those words stung.

Probably because you’d love to be his.

“Because if you were mine, you’d be in a load of trouble for lying to me.”

“Lying to you? I didn’t lie!”

Well, unless keeping things from him was a type of lying. But it wasn’t like she owed him anything, right?

She hadn’t promised him the truth.

“What’s better? Sitting up? Lying on your side?”

“Sitting but leaning back slightly.”

“All right. Just hold on a moment.” He rearranged some pillows against the headboard and then carefully drew her so she was sitting against them.

Sofia let out a sigh of relief as the pain in her back went down a few notches.

“Thanks,” she whispered as he laid a blanket over her.

“You’re welcome, baby,” he murmured.

“You shouldn’t call me that.” She wished the words back as soon as she said that.

Because she really didn’t want him to stop.

“That’s tough because I’m in charge tonight, so I get to choose what I call you.”

“Aren’t you always in charge?”

“Of you?” he murmured as he laid another blanket over her, putting his fingers over the pulse in her wrist. “I should be. You certainly need someone telling you what to do.”

Her jaw dropped in disbelief. “I do not.”

“Need I remind you that I just found you stuck on the floor of the shower, unable to move, without your phone or any way to get help?” he growled at her.

“That was an unfortunate occurrence that doesn’t happen regularly.”

“I’ll also remind you that you were kidnapped tonight.”

A shudder ran through her.

As if she could forget. Although, for a moment, she’d pushed the memory to the back of her mind.

“That . . . that isn’t something you can forget.”

“That won’t happen again, Mo leannan,” he whispered. “I won’t allow it.”

Right. But it wasn’t like he could do anything to stop it, could he? Because after tonight, they’d go back to being . . . acquaintances? Friends?

Friendly acquaintances?

Could she stand it? Was this smart? After experiencing his care and attention, could she go back to . . . nothing?

Her pulse raced as her breathing grew faster.

“Right, you’re freaking out again. You need to take a slow breath in for me. That’s it. In. Now, hold. Out. Good girl. That’s it. Let’s get you settled. What helps? Heat?”

She nodded.

“Good. I’ll go find a heating pad. I think Miller has one for her periods.”

Kind of weird he knew that, but all right . . .


“I don’t have any with me. My handbag . . .”

“Right. I’ll send for the doctor.”

“No!” she cried.

He frowned. “You don’t get to tell me no.”


“Not tonight. Not while I’m caring for you. It’s your safeword or you do as you’re told.”

“How did I not know you were so arrogant and pushy?”

“You knew,” he countered. “You even like my arrogance and pushiness.”

“Uh, I think not.”

“I think so,” he countered. “They’re among my best qualities. Along with my good looks, smarts, and charismatic personality. Now, you’re to stay right where you are while I get the heating pad and call the doctor.”

“No doctor. Please,” she begged. “I just need some painkillers. And some sleep.”

Even though she was kind of scared to sleep.

“All right, we’ll do this,” he said after a long moment. “You’ll take the painkillers I give you and we’ll see if you feel better. If the pain level is still high, I’ll call the doctor and you won’t argue. Oh, and you will also tell me the truth about your pain levels.” He gave her a firm look.

Sofia sighed but nodded.

It was the best deal she was going to get.


She sent him a weak salute.

“Brat,” he grumbled as he left the room.

How had this happened? Why had he come back into her room? She needed to ask him that when he returned.

Sofia let out a small groan as she went over the last thirty minutes.

He’d seen her panicking.

In pain.

Heck, he’d seen her naked!

A great job she’d done keeping all of her pain and worries to herself. Of presenting a strong front.

It was so hard to act tough with Colm, though, when all her body wanted her to do was curl up in his lap and give him everything.

All the fear and the pain and the anger.

That’s what he’d offered her tonight and she’d taken it.


It was going to hurt her more in the long run, though. It tasted so sweet and she’d always had a sweet tooth.

Maybe she should put some clothes on. Her back felt better and Miller had left some on the end of the bed for her.

Perhaps she could reach them without having to move far. With a small whimper, she slid over.

Come on, a bit farther . . .

Sofia closed her eyes against the pain that rippled through her back.

This was dumb. Shit.

