Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

Miller glanced over at Arnie. “What about you? What do you get out of this?”

“He want MacGuire dead too,” Oleg told her.

Arnie nodded. “MacGuire has made my life hell for years. But I’m not hiding from him any longer. The Seven Sinners are rising, and I’ll be with them. MacGuire is in my way.”

“Why would Rogan be after you?” Miller asked.

Yeah. Who was this guy?

“MacGuire blame him for killing friend,” Oleg stated.

Wait. Arnie had killed a friend of Rogan’s? Well, that made sense about why Rogan was after him.

“Was it you who tried to run Rogan off the road?” Miller asked. “You were trying to kill him?”

Arnie grinned and started rolling up his sleeves. “Soon, he will be dead, and I can get on with my life.”

Sofia gasped as she saw the tattoo on Arnie’s arm.

That was the image she kept drawing. The one she saw every night in her nightmares.

And Arnie had it. It was the first time she’d seen it in person.

But how did Arnie relate to her dreams?

The man who died in her dreams when she was a child had had the same tattoo. Was he related to Arnie? Maybe his father?

“What? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a tattoo before. Get me a cigarette,” Arnie snapped at one of Oleg’s men.

“You’re wrong if you think you can use me,” Miller told him.

Sofia was only half-listening. Her mind was running through all the reasons Arnie would have the same tattoo as the dead man in her dream.

“But I already am,” Arnie sneered.

“Hey, what about me?” Oleg protested. “I put this together. I shot Anisimov.”

“You fucked that up!” Arnie snapped. “You didn’t kill him.”

“I said I take care of it!” Oleg kicked a chair over with a yell, then strode off.

There Oleg went again, losing his temper.

So predictable.

Unfortunately, he soon strode back in.

Arnie stretched. “Oleg, call him. Make the ransom demand. I have some phone calls to make.” He turned and left the room, Oleg glaring after him.

“You always let him speak to you that way?” Miller asked Oleg.

“What?” Oleg scowled at the other woman.

Sofia started paying more attention to her surroundings. What was Miller doing? She was going to make Oleg even angrier.

Or wait . . . Was that what she wanted?

“Do you always let him boss you around like that?” Miller asked Oleg. “Funny, I always thought you would be too masculine, too alpha to let someone else take charge of you.”

“He not in charge of me.”

“No? Sure sounded like he was.”

Sofia gave her an incredulous look, but she kept quiet. If the other woman had a plan . . . well, it was better than anything Sofia had.

Which was a whole lot of nothing sprinkled with plenty of confusion.

“Shut up. You do not know what you talk about.”

“Okay,” Miller said placatingly. “Just sounds to me like you’re doing all the work and Arnie’s getting all the glory.”

“We get the cash.”

“And he’s going to lock up most of the city’s underworld? That seems pretty lucrative to me. Meanwhile, you get a bit of cash and all the risk? Didn’t he get you to shoot Aleksandr? And now you’re the one who has to handle the ransom with Rogan? I suppose you’re going to have to kill him as well.”

How was Miller not more scared?

“Arnie shoot your old man,” Oleg said. “Then he take care of you.”

“Like I said, he gets all the glory,” Miller said. Although her voice cracked slightly.

Oleg scowled.

“How certain are you he won’t do the same thing he’s got planned for Rogan to you?” Miller asked him.

Sofia kept silent, watching them. She got it. Miller was trying to turn Oleg against Arnie.

It was a dangerous ploy, but at the moment, it wasn’t like they had any other plays.

“Because we have agreement,” Oleg stated.

But was he starting to sound uncertain?

“Right, and I’m sure he’s known for keeping his word,” Miller said sarcastically.

“Shut up. Your words poison.” Oleg moved over to her, leaning in to wrap his hands around Miller’s neck. “You hear me? Shut up before I shut you up. For good.”

Miller gasped for breath.

Oh God.

He was going to kill her!

“Stop! You have to stop!” Sofia screamed. “Someone, come in here! He’s going to kill her!”

Suddenly, Anton and Pavel raced in and grabbed Oleg, pulling him off Miller.

Sofia sobbed in relief.

Oh, God.

She’d felt for sure that he’d been going to kill her.

Oh God.

Oh God.


Miller stared over at Sofia, clearly shaken.

“Miller, are you okay?” Sofia asked. “Oh God, I thought he was going to kill you.”

Miller moved her head around, wincing in obvious pain. “Where is he?”

“Pavel pulled him off you. Oleg walked out.” She felt like she was barely keeping it together. “He was fuming. Why did you push him like that?”

“I’m trying to get us out of here alive,” Miller whispered.

Pavel and Anton stood across the room, smoking.

