Put Out Read Online Lani Lynn Vale Books (Kilgore Fire #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kilgore Fire Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 75240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)


He took a step back, and my body screamed out in protest.

“It’s ten minutes. I’m supposed to close the door and lock it.”

“Fuck the lock.”

Then I threw myself at him.

His mouth slammed down on mine, and his large hands caught my legs right under the knees as he slammed me against the door.

My hands went to his neck, squeezing tightly, as his beard started to rub deliciously against my neck and cheeks.

His erection pressed into my pussy, grinding into me as we got lost in our kiss.

The kiss had damn sure surpassed out of hand, and went out of the solar system when his hand went up my shirt, his rough hand moving up to my breast.

“Oh, God,” I gasped into his mouth. “Please.”

His free hand went down the back of my pants, straight into my panties, delving deep into the folds of my sex.

One long, rough finger stretched further than the rest, and dipped straight into my pussy.

“Oh, God. You’re wet.”

I was. So wet.

For him.

“Bowe,” I said.

He pulled his head back, and I watched his eyes as he pushed his finger into me, over and over again.

Then, with no warning at all, he was gone.

Everything, including his finger.

He stood across the room from me, chest heaving, as he watched me.

I was sure I knew what he was seeing.

My hair, I could tell, wasn’t in the bun I’d placed it in with a pencil halfway through class. Long tendrils hung down in my face, and one lone curl was moving in front of my mouth with each gasp from my lungs.

My shirt was askew, and my jeans were lower than they should have been.

My nipples, well those were probably indecent at this point.

Bowe wasn’t in much better shape.

His shirt was stretched out from where I’d fisted it with my hand.

Parts of it were untucked from his jeans.

And then there was his cock, which filled up the front of those jeans and stretched down one leg.

“Go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I’m going to go to the teacher’s lounge and grab my drink I left in the fridge.”

I nodded my head.

“You have to move.”


I still didn’t move.

“If I get close to you right now, I’m going to be bending you over the computer desk and fucking you until you get kicked out of school,” he informed me. “So you need to leave. Now.”

I swallowed, searched blindly for the door handle, and then wrenched it open, all but fleeing.

He wasn’t the only one about to lose his composure.

I was about ten seconds from doing the same thing, and letting him take me wherever he wanted me.

Letting my career flow down the drain all because I couldn’t get a handle on my emotions or hormones.

I arrived back into the classroom, seven minutes after Bowe had told us to be back, and took my seat, hoping beyond hope that nobody would be able to tell that I was on the verge of orgasm.

Jade’s eyes followed me the entire way, staring at me as I found my way to my seat.

The minute I sat, the girl that I’d met on the first day of class, Etta, looked over at me.

“Are you sure you’re not sick? You looked flushed,” Etta observed.

I swallowed.

“I’m okay. Just a little dizzy.”

Wasn’t that the truth.

I wasn’t just a little dizzy.

I couldn’t feel anything but my throbbing pussy that I could still practically feel Bowe’s fingers buried inside of.

Then Bowe entered the room, and everyone’s quiet chatter halted.

“Sorry about that,” Bowe said as he walked into the room, a mannequin in front of him, blocking the view of his cock. “I had a phone call.”

“It’s okay,” Jade’s annoying voice accepted his apology like it was intended for her. “We were just talking about what you were going over before break.”


She was talking about her hair appointment when I’d walked through the door.

Bowe smiled tightly at her.

“Now, let’s start on the ACLS bonus question I’ll have on the test tomorrow,” Bowe went to the board, and I nearly groaned when his tight backside was presented to us.

I wasn’t the only one in the room to notice, either.

Every woman did, and I wanted to stab them all with my pencil.

Every last one of them.

Fuck, but this was going to be one long hour and a half.


Dinner that night wasn’t stilted or uncomfortable.

Bowe talked while he cooked dinner, just like he always did since he had moved in and I fed Elise.

It was like we were one big happy family.

But the feeling of him…that was still burned on my brain.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I was also counting down the hours until bed time.

The moment Elise was asleep, Bowe and I were going to solve a few things.

“Did you see who picked Jade up today?” Bowe asked, turning concerned eyes to me.

“I did,” I said. “That was my father.”

