Property of Drex #1 Read Online C.M. Owens (Death Chasers MC #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Crime, Dark, Erotic, MC, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Death Chasers MC Series by C.M. Owens

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 53154 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 266(@200wpm)___ 213(@250wpm)___ 177(@300wpm)

We work with too many people to narrow down that list very quickly, but the fed isn’t directly in our outfit. I’d know it. I’m not dumb like Benny who trusts anyone in his inner circle based off a few loyal shows. Hell, I barely trust the ones who have been in our circle since before I was born.

I never trusted Aaron Marks. I liked him, but I didn’t trust him.

“That’ll take ages,” Pop says on a sigh. “We can’t lie low that long, because our clientele will be gone when we decide to return. Not to mention, it’ll make them leery of trusting us if we just pull out when the heat strikes. We just need to snuff out our rat, and keep all our meetings much more discreet than we already do.”

Rush nods, even though he doesn’t seem to particularly agree. A prison term isn’t on his to-do list, so obviously he’s worried.

He’s young—younger than me. The only reason he’s managed to make our circle is because he’s Sledge’s unofficially adopted son, and he’s been a Death Dealer since he was fourteen after running away from his foster family.

“What about your girl?” Rush asks, suddenly looking at me with an I’m-calling-you-out attitude. “She been contacting anyone?”

I really don’t like the accusatory tone in his voice. He’s too cocky with me, acting as though we’re on the same playing field.

We’re not even in the same league.

“She hasn’t made the first call since she’s been here. I’d know it if she had.”

The music thumping outside the doors is almost muted, and it’s not because they aren’t blasting the speakers. It’s because this room is almost soundproofed, assuring we have confidentiality in here.

“You sure?” Rush challenges, cocking an eyebrow at me in a way that has me clenching my fists.

If he wasn’t Sledge’s son… Ah, fuck it.

I stand and he stands at the same time, both of our chairs scraping the floor. We’ve never really gotten along, but he’s never provoked me like this.

“This is my point,” he says, gesturing toward me. “You’ve gotten attached to the girl, because you’re standing here, ready to fight me for insinuating she might be the leak.”

Pop breaks the tension with a riotous outbreak of laughter, and suddenly most of the others are joining in.

“Drex isn’t attached to the damn girl,” Pop says. “Even if he was attached, do you honestly think he’d let her roam freely and speak to whomever? He’s had his eyes on her or his dick inside her the entire time.”

His humor fades toward the end, and Rush drops back down to his chair, chastened. I don’t need my pops fighting my battles for me, but apparently he knew I was about to kick Rush’s ass.

Pop eyes me, letting me know he wants my temper under control. If we were alone, Rush would be a bloody mess on the floor right now.

“The point is, we have a leak somewhere. Find out where. And get your girl some ink,” Pop says, surprising me. “Heard about the scuffle you had in front of the feds tonight. If you don’t want people touching your shit, then you need to have it marked.”

I groan while dropping my head back, but I nod instead of explaining myself.

“We’ll draw up a plan of action, and I’ll see to more discretion within the club here from now on,” I announce, getting the main discussion back on the table.

“Fight!” The exclamation of that word manages to penetrate the almost soundproof room, because several people scream it at once.

Pop looks at me then at the rest of the table, before rolling his eyes and standing up when the chant outside the doors grows louder and louder.

“It’s like a group of fucking kids. You can’t leave them alone for long.”

Sledge laughs at Pop’s comment while standing, and I pretend not to see the way Sledge slaps Rush across the back of the head on his way by. Maybe people wouldn’t act like kids if the old shits didn’t treat everyone like kids.

Pop yanks open the door. I follow behind him and Sledge just in time to see Axle land a fist against Jessie’s side, sending the big ape flailing to the ground.

Axle is half the bulk of Jessie; however, he’s ten times as lethal. But Axle never fights unless he’s passed the point of pissed off or someone has touched him. What the hell?

“Let’s try this again,” Axle growls. “Admit you’re a slimy, raping motherfucker, and I might not continue to kick your ass like it’s my sole purpose in life.”

My blood chills in my veins. Axle has severe issues with guy’s forcing themselves on girls. It’s one of the many reasons he rides with me. It’s why he pledged loyalty to me a long time ago, but he refuses to work directly under my father since Pop doesn’t stop his guys from being a stereotype.

