Promiscuous Lies (Vengeful Lies #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Vengeful Lies Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“No,” I say at the same time that Dutton says, “Yes.” I glare at Dutton, but Bentley is already running off to get a spoon.

“Anything you’re allergic to that I should be aware of?” Dutton asks.

“Overbearing assholes.”

“Last time I checked, you rather enjoy choking on those.”

Heat rises up my neck. The nerve of this man. “Why are you still here?”

“For dessert,” he states, and I know he’s not talking about what’s in my hand.

“I can’t, not tonight. And I don’t bring men around, my son.”

“Where is his father?”

“Dead for all I care,” I say nonchalantly. He raises a brow at my words and then nods. Oh my fucking God, this man might be learning social cues and how to take a hint.

“Tomorrow night?” he asks.

“No, I have no one to watch him.” He looks past me but can’t see Bentley.

“You really are his mother.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, I am. And I would like it if you leave.”

“I’ll leave when you tell me when I can have you again.” I put the bag on the floor and swap it for the bat. “There she is.” He winks.

“You really want this shoved up your ass, don’t you?” I whisper-shout, hoping Bentley won’t hear. But I know he’s most likely already glued to the TV.

“Have a good night, Posie,” Dutton says with a smirk as he turns to leave.



Iwork from home that week, and two deliveries come. Both are desserts that have no nuts in them.

A text comes after the second delivery.

Dutton: I’m waiting for mine…

I’ve tried my hardest to ignore him but can’t help but smile at the message even though I don’t respond. I don’t need to give him answers when men have avoided doing that for me so often in my life. And I’m still unsure how to handle Dutton. He’s crossed the boundary I set that separates sex from becoming something more. It terrifies me that Bentley has met him because he’s asked about Dutton more than once. I don’t want him getting attached to someone who will unquestionably not be around for long.

I’ve come down from the high of going to Boston. The reality is, there’s no way Bobbi can track me back here, and that offers me some sense of security. But it doesn’t make me feel any more comfortable with the fact that he’s still there, keeping an eye out for me. I know it’s not out of love but rather his need to control people and situations.

At times, he’d even use physical force to get me to agree to things. It’s why I have such an issue with Dutton being so bossy. The difference is that I know Dutton would never physically hurt me, and although he intervenes at times, I still very much get my own way on many things. Dutton provided me with a job that included a pay rise and promotion, whereas Bobbi would only take and take, so I had no choice but to depend on him.

The men, in that regard, couldn’t be more different. And I hate that I even compare them. As furious as I am with Dutton putting a tracker on my car, which is the wildest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, I’m also grateful. I don’t believe in coincidences, but I definitely think there’s something to the timing of when certain people appear in your life. Dutton literally appeared when I needed someone most. And maybe that’s why I hated it so much: because he saw my weakness and my fear.

He saw my vulnerability in an old life that I no longer live. What if he pities me? What if he thinks less of me?

Then again, I don’t care what Dutton thinks of me in that regard. And with the number of messages he sends, I know we’re far from done, even when I try to push him away.

He’s as tenacious as he is patient.

When I ignore a few more messages and only answer the ones regarding work, he sends a bold demand.

Dutton: Either you hire a babysitter tonight or I will. You’ve been avoiding me at the office, and I will come to your door and collect you myself.

I wring my hands in the air, wanting to choke the life out of the determined fucker. I’ve enjoyed that he’s been respectful enough not to arrive at my door again since that night, but now he’s pushing my buttons. But I know he’ll stay true to his word and most likely arrive on my doorstep.

And if I’m being honest… I’ve fantasized about Dutton ever since the night we spent together before I went to Boston. How can a girl not when a man gives her that many orgasms?

I bite my bottom lip as I check in with Amy. She’s available to watch Bentley tonight.

I tap the edge of my laptop as I sit at the kitchen table, finishing up my work for the day.

