Promiscuous Lies (Vengeful Lies #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Vengeful Lies Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)



“I’m hungry now, and you’ll behave, right?”


“Yes. Keep your hands to yourself, and I’ll reward you. And the word ‘no’ does not exist in this home.”

I raise a brow at him. “As long as you don’t give me a reason to say no, and your hands are on me, keeping me distracted.”

“They’re already on you,” he reminds me as he squeezes my legs.

It feels like electricity runs up my body. The intensity of this man’s gaze devours me, but I don’t look away, learning from my last experience with Dutton that he doesn’t like it if I don’t remain purely focused on him.

“Hands to myself. Noted.” I clear my throat.

His palms glide up my legs painfully slowly, as if he’s memorizing the feel of my skin. When he reaches my underwear, he tears them from my body, shredding them at the seams before grabbing my ass and squeezing the flesh there.

His gaze finally dips to the juncture of my legs. He squeezes my ass again and pulls me closer until his face is directly between my thighs. He kisses my clit, then moves lower, between my folds, his tongue tasting. I almost immediately melt into him.

It’s scorching hot, and I can’t help the moan that leaves me. My hands lift of their own accord as his tongue flicks, and I, at the last moment, remember his order not to touch him.

Do. Not. Touch him.

But that’s a challenging instruction to follow when I don’t have anything around me to grab onto but him. The wall is too far back, and the door isn’t within reachable distance.

He removes one hand from my ass and wastes no time sliding a finger inside me.

It’s so sudden and purposeful that another moan slips from me.

My hands are clenched at my sides, dying to touch him as his tongue works even faster and more persistently.

“Dutton.” His name slips from my lips, and he pulls back for a moment. I’m confused, and I look down at him expectantly.

“That’s the first time you ever called me by my name instead of boss or asshole, Mostriciattola.”

My brow furrows in confusion because, although I’ve overheard him speaking fluent Italian, I have no idea what he just called me.

“I told you not to give me a reason to tell you no,” I growl; I don’t want him to get sentimental or show he has a slither of emotion in him just because I finally used his name. It’d be a total buzz kill to the hard fucking I expect.

He smirks and plants his lips back on my clit, the suction pacifying me and pulling out a deep hunger. I fall back as much as I can into the bliss. Small whimpers escape me as I let him worship me and let all my worries and concerns fall by the wayside. This man breaks me apart in ways I never thought possible.

Then he pulls back and stands, and I instantly miss the feel of him. My eyes snap open, and I expect him to reprimand me for not staring at him like he had last time, but instead, he begins unbuttoning his shirt. I follow his lead, reaching behind to unhook my bra, leaving me in just the leather skirt.

When his shirt hits the floor, I have a moment to appreciate his muscles. He’s fucking stunning. Lean with six-pack abs and arms that easily carry my weight over his shoulder. But there are also cuts and scars all over his body. A sensation of danger tingles through me, a reminder that this man is not someone to be trifled with. I, more than anyone, should know better than to mingle with a man like this. And yet I gravitate toward him like a moth to a flame.

I realize then that Dutton has done his best to try to be professional, except for, of course, when he’s acting like a caveman and dragging me off stage. Because in all the times and ways he’s looked at me, his gaze has never lingered at work. But now it’s all-consuming.

He admires me, which I appreciate. I’m very much used to men admiring my naked body. It’s how I earned money before Dutton gave me my new job. But having a man admire me after he was just between my legs? Well, that’s a new experience for me, and I really fucking like it. Especially how his gaze greedily takes me in, like he’s seeing more than just my body. It’s like he’s seeing all of me.

My boss might be an asshole, but right now, he looks as if he’s under my spell, and I want to see what might happen if I try to break the cool intensity of his control. He’s so used to having everything go his way. I want to make him break apart.

