Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

I grab her legs and bring them over my shoulders and hold her in a vice-like grip.

Tearing her up and down as she groans in pleasure, I watch her eyes close as she deals with the pleasure.

This is when she is at her best, when she is helpless.


Owned by me.

When I have her in a grip and I can fuck her as hard as I want.

And fuck… do I want it hard.

With her back against the tiled pool wall and her two legs over my shoulders I have complete control, and I drive home hard with piston pace.

I feel her insides quiver and I know she’s close. I go harder, deeper, and she throws her head back and screams out loud as she comes in a rush, which sets me off, my cry matching hers.

I keep lifting her to empty myself completely. I don’t want it to end. I want more.

So much more.

Our violent kiss turns gentle and loving and she cups my face in her two hands. Our cheeks rest against one another and she smiles softly against my face.

We both pant as we try to catch our breath and she giggles into my shoulder and waves up at the wall.

I frown. “What are you doing?”

She laughs out loud. “Wave to the camera.”

“Huh?” I frown and turn to see a security camera attached to the wall. “Oh my fucking God,” I stammer. I point to her with an over exaggerated arm. “It was all her doing. I was trying to be good,” I mouth to the camera.

“Was not.” She laughs as she splashes me, and my mouth drops open. “He was making me do it,” she calls loudly. “It was all him.”

“That’s it, you’re going to get it.” I take off after her through the pool to the sounds of her laughter. I grab her and dunk her hard and she laughs out loud as she chokes.

It’s been a good night.

In fact, the best.

* * *


I rub my forehead back and forth over the hard yet soft surface, my pillow of Stace’s warm chest. His arms are wrapped around me, and his lips rest at my temple, his chest rising and falling as he sleeps deeply.

This is Heaven.

I wince with my eyes still closed. My body is sore. Sorer than sore. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is painful. My head is hurting from the champagne, my feet ache from those stupid high shoes, and then my girl parts… well, they are just shredded to oblivion.

I smile. God, what a night. Stace and I were like animals with each other, and knowing that we had no future only added fuel to the out of control flames.

We couldn’t get enough of each other. We went from violent fucking against the wall then to love making in bed, back to fucking in the shower, and then to gentle tender love making again and again until, in total exhaustion, we fell asleep in each others arms as the sun was coming up.

I still haven’t had enough. Could I ever get enough of this man? I doubt it, to be honest.

This is what it feels like.

I need to go to the bathroom, but I know once I step foot outside of this bed that that will be it.

Our time will be over.

Dread fills my every cell.

He rustles around and I feel him smile above me before he tenderly kisses my forehead. “Morning, babe,” he whispers sleepily.

I smile softly. “Morning.” I kiss his chest.

He moves and groans. “I’m fucked.” His voice is scratchy from our copious amounts of alcohol last night.

“Um, I think it’s me who is fucked,” I mutter dryly.

I feel him smile broadly as he kisses my head again.

We lie still for a moment as reality starts to sink in, knowing he has to get up and leave.

We both know he does, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

His lips drop to my neck and he kisses me as his hand finds his favorite spot between my legs. “I need you one last time, Rosh,” he whispers as he runs his jaw whiskers back and forth gently along my skin.

I nod, unable to speak because the lump in my throat has blocked out all sense. “I know,” is all I can eventually muster.

He slides his finger in and hisses in approval. “Oh, baby, you feel too good. How am I going to live without this?” he whispers.

I close my eyes to block him out. I don’t want his last memory of me to be crying like a baby.

“Open for me.”

I drop my legs back to the mattress and he rises above me, onto his elbow. His fingers slowly pump in and out of my body as he watches me intently.

“You are just so….” His voice trails off.

We kiss and it’s nothing like the kisses of last night. It’s a goodbye kiss and it breaks my fucking heart.

