Phoenix (Danger Bluff #5) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: Danger Bluff Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 53862 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 269(@200wpm)___ 215(@250wpm)___ 180(@300wpm)

“That’s Magnus,” Sadie told her. “Juniper’s Daddy.”

“Hi, Lyra. I’m glad to meet you,” Magnus greeted as he hugged Juniper to his body.

“Is anyone going to tell me what kind of stuffie Lyra has?” he asked.

“I have a tarantula named Harry,” Lyra explained.

“A spider. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day,” Magnus said with a snort of laughter.

“He really doesn’t like spiders, huh?” Lyra asked.

“He made me clean out the corners in the gun safe yesterday because there were a few cobwebs scattered around—just in case there were spiders,” Magnus said.

“Harry’s very good. He only bites strangers,” Lyra said, defending her stuffie.

“I think having a fierce stuffie is a great thing, Little girl,” a familiar voice commented from behind her.

Lyra whirled to see Phoenix behind her. As if her feet had a will of their own, she ran toward him to stop just in front of him. “Hi.”

“Hi, Little girl.” Phoenix stepped forward to wrap his massive arms around her. Picking her up, he pressed a kiss to her lips before setting Lyra back on her feet. “I decided to take a break. Good thing. Everyone is telling you all my secrets.” Phoenix glanced around the room, looking stern.

One by one, the Littles burst into laughter. Lyra couldn’t help but join them. She hid her face against Phoenix’s chest. His hand stroked over her back reassuringly.

“It’s okay to laugh, Little girl,” he whispered before announcing in a louder voice, “Even Achilles had a weak spot. Spiders are mine. I bet each Little could name something their Daddy dislikes as much as I hate spiders.”

She watched Magnus’s hand cover Juniper’s mouth to keep her from immediately sharing. That fueled the laughter again.

“Come on, Littles. Let’s have lunch,” Phoenix invited, waving everyone toward the table.

When they were seated, he lifted the cover on a large platter of hamburgers. A delicious aroma wafted Lyra’s way, making her hungry. Phoenix held up the plate and offered her a burger.

“It’s okay to use your fingers. You’re among friends,” he told her quietly.

Nodding, she helped herself to a huge burger and watched as he stood to walk around the table, allowing everyone to select a burger before placing it back on the table. Magnus took care of sharing the other platter. It contained fries. Lyra sat politely, waiting for everyone to get their food.

She watched as Sadie immediately popped a fry into her mouth and chewed with delight.

“I love kumara fries,” Sadie said to the group. Everyone else agreed except for Lyra.

“What’s a kumara?” she asked.

“It’s like the New Zealand version of a sweet potato,” Zara explained. “It tastes even better. Try one.”

Lifting one to her mouth, she took a small bite. “Oh, this is good,” Lyra said, helping herself to another. “I like these a lot.”

Phoenix leaned over to tell her softly, “New Zealand burgers are often served with an egg on top and a slice of beetroot. It’s okay to take them off if you don’t like them. You might wish to try it first, just in case you love it.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

Lifting her burger, Lyra took a small bite. Flavor burst through her mouth as she chewed. “It’s good. I don’t think I got any beet in that bite. Why do they put it on a burger?”

“I think New Zealand is one big Daddy, trying to sneak vegetables into our diets,” Zara claimed.

“It’s the crunch,” Celeste explained. “I think you all put pickled cucumbers on your burgers in the U.S. for the same reason.”

“Pickles?” Lyra echoed, shrugging. “That would work the same.”

The conversation at the table flowed easily. Everyone was eager to know more about Lyra, but they didn’t pester her with questions. She had time to eat and enjoy her food—as well as her Daddy’s presence.

“How long have you played the cello?” Sadie asked as they all finished their meals.

“I started on the violin when I was three. I loved it, too, but the cello always drew me. When I was six, my private instructor let me try the cello. I was too small for even the smallest size cello they make, but I insisted, and even though I struggled, I was determined. It felt so right in my hands. I eventually grew into it and rented larger ones until I was fully grown and got the one I have now at fourteen.”

“You had a private instructor at six?” Juniper asked.

“I did. My parents were very busy. They encouraged me to pursue individual activities. I wasn’t into watching TV or sports. I did love music, so I practiced during all my free time.”

“No wonder you’re so good,” Sadie exclaimed.

“Natural talent had a hand in Lyra reaching her level of expertise as well, I assume,” Magnus pointed out drily.

Lyra nodded. “It did. One by one, all the students dropped out as they became interested in dating, sports, and even video games. Some maintained their playing ability and continued to play in school or community college bands. I did that, too,” Lyra explained. “I enjoy continuing to challenge myself.”

