Phantom Game (GhostWalkers #18) Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: GhostWalkers Series by Christine Feehan

Total pages in book: 160
Estimated words: 146530 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 733(@200wpm)___ 586(@250wpm)___ 488(@300wpm)

No problem, Kyle agreed.

The meadow was very small, really too small to qualify as a meadow, but there was an opening in the trees and the four sank down in the tall grass. Jeff immediately moved back to cover their back trail while Kyle reached out to the owl.

Jonas reached his hand out to Camellia. She hesitated before she allowed him to close his fingers around hers. Her hand felt very small and delicate next to his much larger, calloused one. Very gently, he ran his thumb along her inner wrist, over her pulse, staring down at her skin for a long time before he raised his gaze to hers.

She had incredibly blue eyes. Wary now. He didn’t blame her. He would be if he were in her shoes. He took a deep breath and let it out. He hadn’t realized the extent of the threat they would be facing. Or the magnitude of the gifts they both possessed.

Ryland’s going to ask a lot of questions, Camellia, and I’ll have to answer them. I’ll do my best to leave you out of it as much as possible. The important thing right now is to let him know he’s got an army coming to wipe out Team One and Two. Now is the time to make up your mind.

He glanced over at Kyle and then toward the forest where Jeff had disappeared. You could get away clean right now, honey, before all hell breaks loose.

Her blue eyes widened with shock.

He nodded his head. I mean it. This is going to get ugly. Beyond that, I hadn’t realized the extent of the abilities you have.

We both have them, Jonas.

He nodded. I realize that, but I have no idea how to access them the way you do. If Whitney found out, or hell, the government, you could be in real trouble. No one can find out. I want you with me. I do, Camellia. He brought her knuckles to his mouth and rubbed them along his lips. At the same time, you need to be safe. I believe my team will protect you, but you and I both know things happen. Look at what has happened with Daniel and Lily. There’s a leak somewhere. I still have to track that down in order for Daniel, Lily and even Jeff to be safe if I’m right about what I think Jeff and Lily are doing.

They sat in silence for a few moments. Jonas was aware of the early morning sunlight playing through the brightness of her dark hair so that it appeared glossy. Birds sang and flitted from branch to branch in constant motion. It was actually a beautiful morning, not one where he would ever have thought he was losing the one thing he knew he needed in his life to make it worthwhile.

I think I’ll stick it out with you, Jonas, at least until after the threat is over. Then we can take the time to see if we’re even compatible.

Jonas still had her hand pressed against his lips. He didn’t realize air was caught in his lungs, and he hadn’t taken a breath in some time. The pressure on his chest was tremendous. He barely comprehended what she’d said. He found himself just staring at her like an idiot.

Camellia? The burning in his lungs increased.

Take a breath, Jonas.

The gentle amusement filling his mind was tinged with something he couldn’t quite identify but knew was good. Still. As much as I want this, you with me, it isn’t safe for you. The things you can do, Camellia, are unique and crazy valuable, and I can tell there’s so much more.

He knew there was more. He knew if one person found out who shouldn’t, she would never be left alone. Never. As much as he wanted her for himself, he didn’t want to risk her.

The bottom line is this, Jonas. I don’t know for certain whether or not Marigold betrayed me that night when I tried to escape. I do know she didn’t tell me about her twin sister, and I know she left me behind when we all escaped, but she’s still my family. That means she’s mine to protect. Lily is part of my family as well. I’m not going to run when they’re in danger. I just can’t do that. I’m not built that way.

Her response came as no surprise. She was loyal, and she was willing to sacrifice herself for those she loved. It didn’t matter that Marigold had hurt her beyond reason or that she hadn’t seen either Lily or Mari in a couple of years. They were important to her, and she would defend them with her life.

Jonas pressed his lips to her knuckles and then nipped the soft skin with his teeth. I’m reaching out to Rye now. Feed me as much energy as you can. He’s a good distance away. I’ll tell him up front that you’re helping me hold the bridge and can hear every word we say. Ryland will most likely have Kaden, one of our most powerful telepaths, doing the same on his end.

