Painted On My Heart Read Online book by Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Funny, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 156808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 784(@200wpm)___ 627(@250wpm)___ 523(@300wpm)

He got to downtown Dallas a little past one in the afternoon. He pulled into the underground parking, grabbed the packet off the passenger seat, and used his designated space next to Arik’s sports car. The congested drive had given him nothing but time to think. One thing he did agree with, he was hardheaded. He hoped, though, when presented with the hard facts, he was at least reasonable enough to pull himself together.

Kellus used all his codes to go straight upstairs, even the front door unlocked as he rounded the corner toward Arik’s place. None of that was new, but still very impactful as Kellus opened himself to the idea of this new life. Arik wanted him for no other reason than he just loved him. God, it felt good to be wanted for being nothing more than himself.

Arik sat in his office, a plate of lunch nearby as he worked on his laptop. Kellus walked straight in, dropped the packet on the desk, and headed around the desk as Arik looked up, a smile touching his sexy lips. “You look well-rested.”

He placed a hand on each of Arik’s armrests and leaned forward, pushing Arik back to kiss those perfect, pouty lips. He only let his lips linger for a second before he pulled away and leaned back against his desk, holding Arik’s gaze. “I slept really well last night. I needed it. Thank you for coming over. I’m glad things are fixed between us. It was killing me.”

Arik’s hand went to his hip and drew him closer. “I couldn’t stay away.”

“Mrs. Nickerson stopped by this morning and said John had been moved. Do you know anything about that?” he asked, even though he knew the answer.

“I do. It was the place you chose, right? I saw it on the kitchen table,” Arik confessed, sitting back in his chair. They stared at one another for a long minute. He had no idea what was going on behind that beautiful amber gaze, but he knew how badly Arik disliked John, yet he put all that aside to help him. He wasn’t sure he could ever love Arik more than he did right then.

“Thank you. I’ll pay you back.”

“No. I don’t want you to worry about that. I just needed to understand things. I was jealous. I misunderstood. I’d do anything for you, Kel,” Arik said, pushing his chair upright, reaching for him while Kellus twisted to find the packet. He handed over the information to Arik.

“John’s mom gave me this before she left. It’s probably the same information you have that I refused to ever acknowledge.”

Arik opened the envelope, pulled the papers out just enough to read the first pages, then tossed them to the front of his desk. He opened a drawer, pulled out a much thicker file, and placed it on top of that packet from John’s mother.

“If you ever want the full extent of what John has done, take a look at this.”

He stood, pushing Kellus’s feet apart, before stepping between his parted thighs. “I never really understood how little you knew about John’s history. But then this morning, I honestly think I fell in love with you again when I listened to you take responsibility for the bad that had happened because you tried to love him.”

“Is that a fancy way of calling me nice or crazy?” He slid his hands around Arik’s waist. Just having him so close gave him a sense of tranquility.

“Perhaps admirable, and only said with love.” Arik’s amber eyes twinkled with amusement as he drew him closer.

“I would do those same things for you. Actually more,” Kellus promised, melting into Arik’s embrace.

“Baby, I’d never put you in the position to have to make those decisions.”

Kellus felt the truth behind Arik’s words, and his heart did a little flip-flop in his chest.

“One thing I can say, I learned my lesson. I picked much better this time around,” he teased.

“If memory serves, I picked you. You didn’t have a lot of say,” Arik countered smugly.

Something flickered behind the golden, amber depths. Arik’s gaze dropped to his lips about a half a second before the man’s mouth came down to claim his. Kellus lost himself in the kiss. He’d been holding back, so afraid of losing himself again. But not anymore, he deserved to be happy. He was diving in headfirst and taking what he wanted.

Kel deepened the kiss as Arik’s fingers pressed against his scalp, but the man’s lips stayed tender, almost reverent, against his. The sweetness of Arik’s tongue brushing against his made him giddy with want. Arik’s hips rolled against his, the move bringing their cocks together in the most decadent of ways. He slid his hands down to grip Arik’s ass and tugged him closer to rock against him, desperate for more.

