Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

“Say hello really quick,” he said, “but then they have to take them again.”

Her gaze darted to his.

He stayed happy and smiling the whole time.

“Why?” she asked.

Gian’s gaze darted to somewhere behind her—she didn’t bother to try and turn her head. She really couldn’t, anyway.

Instead of answering her, he pulled the towel away from the twins where they laid side by side in his left arm. Still messy from their birth, with gel swiped across their eyes and little arms twitching, they were wrinkly and pink and hers. That was all she noticed at first. And then she understood what must have made everyone pause when Beni was pulled from her womb. Finally, Cara understood exactly why her boys were always holding hands in every single ultrasound.

The sides of their hands were attached with a thin strip of flesh.


“It just looks like some skin,” Gian was quick to explain. “No bone or veins or ... it’d make sense why they wouldn’t have noticed it if there was nothing to see there, Cara.”

She understood why he wanted to explain.

She just ... it didn’t matter.

“They’re perfect,” she whispered.

Gian smiled again, covering the boys with the towel. His palm found the side of her face, and his thumb stroked her cheek, making her realize how much colder she felt because of the anesthesia and IV. But his touch was just enough to make it all better for a second. “They’re more than perfect. I’ll let the nurses clean them up and we’ll get them with you.”


Skin to skin.

It’s what all her babies had after birth.

“Hurry,” was all she said.

The rest, they could deal with later.

*** There are some interesting statistics about how many identical twin births are born conjoined in some way. Sometimes, it is not always picked up on ultrasounds because, like in Bene and Beni’s case, there is nothing “wrong” to be noticeable with what you’re given to see. This was also the case with my youngest son, who was born with Polydactyly. But because the extra additions were so small, had no bones or major veins, we couldn’t see it until he was out in the world and said hello to us. And all he will have to remember that by is one video of me and him when he was a few days old and laying on my couch - I showed him his little steri-strips on both sides of his hands were his extra pinkies had been removed shortly after his birth. Why weren’t the twins told?

I came up with this idea later as a fun way to play around with some of the twin-things they did, and where would it have fit in for their books? This was mostly me writing an idea in fun and seeing what came of it for the blog. Also, it wouldn’t have really mattered. I hope you enjoyed this little tale about The Twins.



Did It Ever

Corrado | Ginny | Les

Corrado POV

Late at night, or very early in the morning depending on how one wanted to look at it, was Corrado’s favorite time of day. When everyone else was sleeping, he could be free to walk the halls, let his thoughts wander, and process anything without minding anyone else into the mix as well. Despite how he lived his life, filled with people and family and those that he loved, there was still a part of him that very much enjoyed being alone.

His twin said it was because Corrado just was who he was.

Gian liked to say maybe Corrado needed it.

Everybody had a different opinion.

They usually did.

Les and Ginny, though?

They never said a thing.

No, they simply let him have his nights of walking the halls far too late and alone. Except lately, he hadn’t been the one doing any of that at all.

It was Les.

Corrado noticed the further into Ginevra’s pregnancy they got, the more Les ... well, paced. The thing was, he wasn’t like Corrado. Alessio didn’t make it known that he had shit going on in his head and needed a moment away to figure it out. His demeanor told them one thing; his behavior at night when he thought the rest of the house was asleep told Corrado something entirely different.

And he didn’t like it.

Oh, Les had his moods. So did Corrado. Hell, even Ginny went through spells but Corrado blamed that more on the hormones than anything else because usually, she went about her life as pleased as could be. Nonetheless, when Les went into a mood—everybody could tell.

Not lately.

He’d rather hide it.

That was the problem.

The floorboard down the hall from their master bedroom creaked, and Corrado let out a quiet sigh into the darkness. A few seconds later, the creak happened again. It was almost rhythmic in nature, and he could guess exactly where Alessio was standing based on the amount of time it took for the creak to echo once more.

