Outtakes Vol 2 – The Commission World (Filthy Marcellos #2) Read Online Bethany Kris

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Filthy Marcellos Series by Bethany Kris

Total pages in book: 197
Estimated words: 199143 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 996(@200wpm)___ 797(@250wpm)___ 664(@300wpm)

“Okay,” Naz said, hanging up the phone he’d been talking into for the last half hour as he came into the kitchen. “All done, babe.”

She peered over her shoulder at him. “Great.”

“Two weeks from now on Monday, eleven in the morning.”

Roz gave him a look.

Naz arched his brow right back. “What?”

“I thought you were going to make the doctor’s appointment for a month from now? What if I’m still here, Naz?”

He shrugged. “This was the closest opening that the office in New York had. If you’re still here, then we’ll figure something out for a doctor here until you get back home again. Okay?”

She smiled.

He really was something else, this man. She was well aware that he wanted her home more than anything. He wanted to put her on a flight today, and get her back to New York where they could finally start their life together. She wanted that, too, more than he could possibly know. But there was still a part of her that needed to see things through here first. She needed to make sure that Penny was going to be okay ... or she was going to help the young woman to get to that place in her life.

Naz was just ... going to let Roz do her thing.

She loved him for that.

Naz slipped around the island, and came to stand at her back. One of his arms drifted around her waist, and his hand laid flat to her stomach before he dropped a kiss to the top of her head. She felt her smile grow the longer his kiss lingered. Finally, she tipped her head back, and he dropped a quick kiss to her lips, too.

“How’re you feeling today?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Better—I didn’t throw up yet.”

Yet being the keyword.

It could still happen.

Morning sickness didn’t discriminate.

“You need anything, then you tell me, got it?”

Roz winked. “Got it, Naz.”

He grinned, and dropped another kiss to her lips. Only this time, he wasn’t ask quick to pull away. This time, that kiss lingered long enough to burn her from the inside out. Just like that, the flames of her lust had been stoked in the right way—enough to make her want to pull this man back to the bedroom, and find all sorts of fun ways to spend their morning.

She suspected Naz was feeling the same way given his hands tangled into her loose hair, and tugged gently as his tongue struck out against the seam of her lips, demanding she open up for him. God, she loved that, too. Loved the way their kiss always felt like a way when their lips worked against one another, and their tongues tangled to get a taste.

And then a knock echoed through the house.

Naz lifted up, pulling away from her kiss with narrowed eyes as he looked toward the hallway that led to the front door. She might have laughed at his annoyance at having been interrupted with her, but she couldn’t.

The knocking continued.


Naz gave her a look. “How much do you want to bet that’s—”

“Anybody home?”

“Kyle,” Naz muttered.

Naz let her go just as footsteps echoed in the hallway of the house they had rented. She gave Naz a look, silently telling him to stay in line. Not that she needed to remind him, but she also knew there was something about Kyle that often put Naz on edge.

She thought it might be because Kyle was the one who constantly reminded Roz that love could come anytime. Her career in music, however, had a time limit on it. There was an expiry date to her talent—something could take away her ability to play, or she may simply just become irrelevant in the world as a pianist.

But love?

Love would always be waiting.

Thing was ... Kyle wasn’t wrong. She tried not to put love last the best she could—she constantly tried to keep Naz as the center in her life, the one thing that continued to ground her and remind her what was important.

That didn’t mean Kyle had been wrong, though.

“There you are,” Kyle said as he came into the kitchen, looking only at Roz. “Did you get a visit like I did this morning?”

Roz passed Naz a glance. “No?”

Kyle scowled. “At all?”

“No. What’s going on?”

“The Bobbies came around,” he said.

Roz’s brow dipped. “The what?”

“English police,” Naz said from his new spot behind the island. “Better question is why are they making a visit to you, Kyle?”

Kyle stared hard at Naz. “I don’t know—you’re better acquainted with the police than I am, aren’t you? Why don’t you tell me why they do the shit they do?”

Roz didn’t need to look at Naz to know he was tense, and probably ready to jump across the counter at Kyle. She quickly stepped in to stop that from happening. “Well, you must know why they came around to talk to you—they talked to you, didn’t they?”

