Out of the Ashes (The Game #5) Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Game Series by Cara Dee

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 513(@200wpm)___ 410(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

I swallowed and slowed down a little, enough so I could kiss him properly, taste him, be with him right in this moment.

“I’m not afraid anymore, Master,” he whispered.

I wasn’t either. It was the most magnificent feeling.

He locked his arms around my neck, and we kissed until our lungs burned. We were burning again. He had to feel it too.

“I trust you,” he murmured into the kiss. “I love you. I love you so much.”

Hell. He owned me too. Completely. “Me too, baby boy.”

“We’re gonna make it.”

“Zero doubts.” I kissed him hard and deep, before I inched back. “We did it all wrong before—but we won’t this time.”

He exhaled unsteadily and nodded. “No quicksand now. We’ll catch our mistakes faster.”

Definitely no quicksand. We were building our future on concrete. “We know where we have each other.” I touched his cheek and ground my cock deeper into him, and he let out a long moan. “Look at us—we turned an angry rapefuck into sweet lovemaking.”

He laughed breathlessly and hugged me to him. “I feel so alive. And fucked in the head. You actually hooked up with Franklin—that shit! I’m so fucking angry with him. But do you honestly believe we could be into cuckolding?”

Okay, too many topics from my most adorable possession. It resulted in me slapping a hand over his mouth and returning to screwing his brains out. I needed to get off, preferably before my age made itself known. My thighs were already straining.

“Hold those thoughts,” I grunted.

He thankfully got with the program, shut his cute pie hole, and stroked his cock at the same pace I fucked him.

When we finally got off, I was so fucking tired that I had every intention of letting him clean the rest of the apartment on his own. He was young and lively. I needed to throw my ass on the couch and be served wine and cheese.

I groaned against his neck as the last energy left me. Fuck, I could fall asleep right here—well, out of the wet spot. His sexy abs were coated in his orgasm.

By sheer will, I managed to withdraw my spent cock from Tate’s ass and collapse next to him. Then I just stared up at the ceiling, tucked myself back into my jeans, and waited for my breathing to even out. Christ, my heart was pounding.

I swallowed against the dryness in my throat and held up a finger. “One. It’s okay to be a little fucked in the head. Lord knows I am too.” I flashed a second finger. “Two. I feel alive as well—and I wonder if it’s because we’re outside of our comfort zone again. Our best play takes place there, Tate.” I glanced over at him, finding him watching me already. “Do you remember how good our relationship was before we got into group play?”

He nodded instantly. Maybe he’d reflected on that. “We were happy.”

Extremely happy. “But restless,” I added. “Happy and secure in the romantic aspects of our relationship, restless and a bit stuck in a rut when it came to kink.”

The security hadn’t come from improving our communication, but rather from avoiding playtime with other partners. I believed we could have both. I believed we could be happy and exclusive in our day-to-day life and then run wild in kink.

Tate watched me pensively. “We stopped engaging in fear play and anything that made us uncomfortable.”

It’d happened slowly, without us really noticing. It hadn’t been an active decision. “Group play shook things up,” I said. “It shoved us outside the comfort zone, where our kinks belong, but without the commitment we need to cushion every landing.” I blew out a breath as my heart finally returned to normal. “Right now, Tate…? I’ve never felt so certain. It’s you and me for as long as we live. We just got back together yesterday, and I know with every fiber of my being that we’re more solid than we’ve ever been. We’re on the right path.”

He smiled timidly and scooted closer. “Because we have commitment?”

“And devotion,” I murmured, searching his beautiful eyes. “You’re the sole owner of my happiness. With you, breathing isn’t a chore.”

He let out an unsteady breath and closed the distance between us, and he lifted my arm to sneak into my embrace. “I feel the same way.” He sniffled.

I kissed the top of his head.

It felt so fucking good to be this open with him. I stared up at the ceiling again and just reveled in my own vulnerability—and the knowledge that he was my safe place to land. I trusted him. I could show him all my cards and air every thought.

“We have something incredible, Master.”

“We really do, baby.”

“And that’s why you’re not afraid?”

“Not one bit,” I replied honestly. “I want more structured play for us. What we do on our own, the two of us, will always be fluid—and reserved for just you and me. We float in and out of D/s at home, and we do it naturally.” We weren’t going to lose that. “But no more assumptions and depending on old negotiations. We will check in with each other more often, discuss scenes—”

