Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Great. He’d be in for a nasty surprise if he expected me to look like his former assistants. “See, even if I fell for him, which I won’t, there’s nothing you have to worry about, because Xavier won’t take me into his bed. I’m not model material.”

Fiona nodded thoughtfully and finally took a spoonful of her breakfast.

I cringed inwardly. That was a blow. I hadn’t expected her to contradict me, but to nod, that hurt even my ego. I guessed I should count myself lucky. I had no plan to make headlines as Xavier’s conquests or losing my job, so it was for the best that I wasn’t his type.

I drank another sip of my water. Sweat was dripping down my face. Coach had made me run four extra rounds for being late again. He’d probably keep kicking my ass throughout the remaining training if his pissed expression was an indicator.

“Try to be a decent human being around Evie, all right?” Connor muttered beside me on the bench.

I shot him a look. “I’m not paying her an assload of money so I have to cater to her feelings. I’m paying her so she caters to mine.”

Connor shook his head. “In moments like this I get why Fiona hates your guts.”

The sentiment was mutual. Even an ass to crack walnuts with and a stomach to grate cheese on couldn’t make up for her intolerable personality. “You haven’t shown me a single photo of her, and I still hired her, so I’m evolving, don’t you think?”

Connor raised his eyes to the sky as if he was praying. I doubted anyone would listen to his prayers, not after all the shit he and I had been up to in the last few years—before Fiona. “It was time you chose your assistant based on her skills and not looks.”

“I’ve always based my decisions on their skills… They were all very skillful, trust me.”

Connor snorted, then he rubbed his forehead. “If you mess this up, Fiona will kick my balls.”

“Doesn’t she have better things to do with them?”

Connor sent me a glower. I missed the time when he’d share every fucking kinky detail of his sexcapades with me, but Fiona had him on a short leash.

“So tell me: what is Evie like, what does she look like?” I asked, knowing it would push Connor’s buttons.

“She isn’t your type, Xavier. Get it out of your head,” Connor said, narrowing his eyes. Fiona had trained him well. I could almost imagine her patting his head like a good little dog.

I leaned back with a grin. “She’s human and female, right?”

Connor nodded.

“Then she’s my type.”

He opened his mouth then snapped it shut. “You know what, mate. Never mind. I’m not getting involved in this. I’ll be the one to pay for your mess-ups as usual.”

“Come on, that one time doesn’t count.”

Connor gave me an incredulous look. “That one time? You fucked some secondhand gangster’s wife and told her my name. That asshole tried to beat me up with his ugly-ass brothers.”

“To my defense, I came to your help.”

“Geez, thanks,” Connor muttered, but he was fighting a smile. He missed our crazy-ass adventures. His eyes moved past me. I followed his gaze and spotted Fiona and a young woman with long strawberry blonde hair. She was much curvier than Fiona and I’d never have pegged them as sisters, much less twins. Which was a fucking relief. If I had been forced to have an assistant with Fiona’s face around me twenty-four-seven, I would have lost my shit. My eyes came to a stop on her chest and I released a low whistle.

Connor shot me a glare “Xavier, I swear, I’ll hold a pillow to your face while you sleep next time we have to share a room if you mess this up.”

I grinned. “At least, I can die happy.”

Xavier’s eyes took their sweet-ass time checking out my body. Surprise flashed across his face, then that was gone. He kept talking to Connor, who looked as if he were sucking a lemon, but Xavier’s eyes were fixed on me. To be honest, they were mostly fixed on my breasts. I was a 40 D, and men always noticed, but usually they weren’t as unabashed about it. Xavier obviously had no shame. Several of his teammates standing around on the field also threw me curious glances.

Despite my best intentions, heat rose into my cheeks.

When Fiona and I arrived at the bench, he rose to his feet, and holy shit, was he a beast. The photos I’d seen of him hadn’t done him justice. That man was six foot six of pure muscle. How he could move that body as quickly as the sport required was a miracle to me. I felt like someone was holding a hair dryer into my face, blasting heat at me full force.

