Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

She pursed those kissable lips. “Do you have to make me sound like a medical case?”

“I’m a very good doctor.” I flashed her my dirtiest smile.

She closed her eyes. “My God, Xavier, you look like a wolf about to pounce.”

“I’m a hungry wolf about to eat you,” I said in a low voice.

Her eyes peeled open. I stroked her legs and hooked my fingers in her panties and dragged them down slowly. Evie shivered, biting her lip.

Her cheeks were still a lovely shade of pink. I didn’t know how I could have missed all the telltale signs of her inexperience during our first night together. I’d been too wrapped up in my own fucking need.

My eyes trailed over her legs, up to the dark blonde triangle at the apex of her thighs. A stunning sight.

Evie was still tense under me as my fingers stroked her thighs.

I lowered my head to the trimmed curls and pressed a kiss against her mound, my lower lip lightly brushing her soft folds that hid her clit.

“Oh,” she breathed out, eyes flying open. Her legs were still clamped together. Her eyes flitted down to me. I kissed her again, but this time I used my lower lip to part her folds and brush her clit.

“Oh!” she gasped.

“Oh?” I asked quietly. Her leg muscles softened. I hooked my palm under her knee and guided her leg to the side, baring her to me.

Her eyes flickered with insecurity and nerves. I lightly bit into the soft flesh of her inner thigh, feeling unexpectedly possessive. My gaze returned to her inviting pussy. No one had ever seen Evie like this. I blew out a harsh breath and licked the soft inside of her thigh.

She quivered, her legs parting a bit more. I smiled against her skin as I lowered myself between Evie’s thighs, slid my palms under her butt and pulled her toward my mouth. She tensed again but I knew it wouldn’t last long.

I gave her clit a light lick and she jerked. “Oh hell!”

“Does this feel like Hell?” I slid the tip of my tongue along her slit, up to her clit.

She moaned.

“Tell me how it feels, Evie,” I whispered as I took another long lick over her folds, giving her clit a gentle nudge at the end.

“Good,” she gasped as I gave her clit a little loving with my lips.

“Only good?”

“Stop talking, Xavier,” she muttered, and I chuckled and really dove in. Parting her folds, I tasted her sweetness, making sure to let Evie hear just how delicious she was to me.

The sounds falling from Evie’s lips as I worshipped her with my tongue were music to my ears. Her body was beautifully responsive and sensitive to my ministrations, and I couldn’t get enough of it. She rewarded me with her first orgasm almost too easily, but I kept up the light suction on her clit, which drove her completely wild and pushed a finger into her, curling it upwards, trying to see if I could find Evie’s G-spot. She arched up when my pad pressed against her inner wall. Bull’s-eye.

This time I took my time bringing her close to the brink, only to retreat and focus my attention on less sensitive spots like her inner thigh. Soon Evie was wriggling and moaning without holding back, desperate for another release. “Xavier,” she gasped. “Please—”

“Please what?” I asked as trailed the tip of my tongue over the valley between her thigh and pussy before giving her clit the lightest push, making Evie gasp again.

“Please stop being a dickhead.”

I chuckled and sucked her clit a bit harder while I thrust my finger inside of her until Evie cried out again as she came. She trembled under me. I kissed her stomach, pretending I didn’t notice her tensing. She was still self-conscious about her body but I hoped we could work on that.

Her strawberry-blonde hair spilled around her as she tried to catch her breath.

She was a goddess.

For a moment, I considered taking this further and burying myself in her, but she smiled in that cute embarrassed way that let my protectiveness overrule my desire.

Ignoring my cock, I stretched out beside Evie and pulled her closer. Her gaze searched mine as if she waited for me to make a move.

My heart was galloping in my chest like a herd of mustangs. I couldn’t believe how amazing this had felt, how utterly breathtaking. Xavier regarded me with a hint of smugness and I really wanted to take him down a notch, but damn it, he had reason to be smug. I wanted to push him back down between my legs for another round, but that would definitely have ended my no-sex ruling. Could it even still be considered in effect? Going down on someone definitely counted as a form of sex. It did in our stupid non-disclosure clause, that much was certain.

