Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

I cocked an eyebrow in Xavier’s manner. “I don’t have to compensate for anything.” Even just imitating him sent a stab into my heart.

“Oh man, I’m going to announce my entrance next time,” Connor muttered.

Our heads whirled around. He was leaning against the doorway with a disturbed expression on his face and his gym bag in his hand.

Heat shot into my cheeks. That was the icing on my embarrassment cake.

“How long have you been eavesdropping?” Fiona asked accusingly.

“I’m not eavesdropping. This is my home and you were talking loudly in the middle of the living room.”

Fiona gave him a look that could have lighted a drenched piece of wood on fire.

“Great,” I muttered. “Now I can’t face Xavier and you.”

Connor gave me an understanding look, but I didn’t want his pity. It was my own fault for forgetting what kind of man Xavier was.

“Do you need painkillers?” Fiona asked quietly.

Connor shook his head, grimacing, and went upstairs. “Do me a favor and lower your voices when you discuss your female needs.”

I gave her an exasperated look. “This day needs to be over quick.”

The next day I didn’t wake to Evie’s snarky comments or the warning hiss of my espresso unit. When I checked my phone, the first thing I registered was Evie’s short message, telling me she was sick and couldn’t come to work. After that my eyes found the time: I had exactly five minutes to get to training. Damn it!

I jumped out of bed. So close to the start of the season I really couldn’t risk the coach putting me on the bench.

I got ready and reached the training grounds in record time, but still too late.

Connor jogged up to me after the coach was done screaming at me for being twenty minutes late. “One day without Evie and you are already late.”

“She was supposed to wake me. She didn’t show up with some half-ass apology about being sick.” She wasn’t sick. We both knew it. Guilt hit me like a fucking wrecking ball again.

Connor narrowed his eyes. “Can you really blame her? She probably didn’t want to see you.”

“She’s my assistant.” The possibility she was still my friend was highly unlikely, and the stab that sent through me almost knocked my damn breath out of me.

“And she was still asleep when I left. The painkillers knocked her out.”

I stopped mid-run. “Painkillers?”

Connor kept jogging in place beside me, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that annoying way. “Apparently you acted like a caveman with your enormous stick.”

“Did I hurt her?”

Connor began to laugh softly, eyes full of mirth as he jogged in front of me.

I shoved his shoulder, pushing him out of my way. “You know what, Connor, fuck you.”

I started running again. I wouldn’t get another lecture from the coach because Connor was messing with my mind. Connor fell into step beside me again, still with that fucking air of self-righteousness.

“I don’t know why you are pissed. You didn’t have to listen to Fiona and Evie talk about being sore all night. That’s not my idea of a relaxing evening, trust me.”

“Is she all right?” I asked.

“Ask her yourself if you really want to know. I’m not getting involved in this. I’m already the bad guy because you’re my best friend, so thanks.”

“I assume that means I’m no longer invited to barbecue tomorrow?”

Connor groaned. “Fuck, I forgot about that.” He glanced my way. “I’m not sure if it’s in your best interest to be around Fiona at the moment. I can’t guarantee your safety. Fiona is royally pissed at you.”

“More pissed than her usual pissed self?”

“Trust me, Xavier, you haven’t seen Fiona this pissed yet.”

I would have loved to see Fiona that pissed. Pissing her off was my favorite pastime, but I was wary about being around Evie after what happened. “Don’t worry, Connor. I can keep myself entertained. Enjoy your barbecue while I find somewhere I can put my enormous stick.”

Connor shot me a glare. “Really? You’re just going back to fucking the next random girl?”

I returned his glare. “What else am I supposed to be doing?”

He sneered. “I don’t know, but maybe you should start thinking about it.” With that, he sped up even more. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Since when was he the authority on women? I still remembered our bachelor days too well, before Fiona.

After training, I picked up my phone and tried calling Evie but she didn’t pick up. She also ignored my messages. Evie wasn’t the petty or vindictive type, so if she acted this way, she was really hurt.

I wasn’t sure what to do, and that was the worst.

I sent Xavier a message that I was sick and ignored his messages and calls. When I didn’t show up the next day either, Connor cornered me in the kitchen where I was preparing an afternoon snack for myself. Fiona was gone recording a workout with another Instagram fitness star, or he probably wouldn’t have dared to say the banned “X-word.”

