Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“Make sure you get me from every angle and don’t let the sun blind you,” Xavier said as he positioned himself in front of me. His gym shorts hugged the narrow V of his hips and accentuated his strong thighs and shapely butt. Soon Xavier was doing sprints and sit-ups and push-ups, which made his skin glisten with a fine sheen of sweat that accentuated every ripped inch of his body. It was madness, complete and utter madness, and I enjoyed every maddening second of it.

Even though I wasn’t moving all that much, I quickly felt hot and sweaty, hoping it was because of the blistering afternoon sun and knowing full well it wasn’t. The ocean looked more and more enticing by the second. Perhaps I could go for a quick dip once we were done filming.

“You look flustered,” Xavier commented after another round of sprints and sit-ups.

“I need an ice cream. Should I bring one for you?” I nodded toward an ice truck near the promenade.

Xavier shook his head, brushing sand off his glistening chest.

I turned and quickly got myself a cherry popsicle before I strolled back to Xavier. He had sat down on a towel and looked out toward the ocean. I stopped beside him. He shifted to the side, making room for me. Surprised, I sank down beside him. “Thanks,” I said then slipped the popsicle into my mouth, and decided this came close to perfection. Sunshine, beach and cherry ice.

Gradually I became aware of Xavier’s staring. I turned to him, my cheeks growing hot again. I would have given anything for slow blood circulation at this point. I showed him my popsicle. “You sure you don’t want a taste?”

Xavier narrowed his eyes the slightest bit as if he was searching for something. I met his gaze and slowly pulled the popsicle back out of my mouth, wondering what the hell his problem was. “I don’t have a sweet tooth,” he said eventually, and the late reply threw me off for a moment. His gray eyes flickered over my cheeks and lips.

“How can anyone not have a sweet tooth?” I mused, taking another taste of my icy treat

“Why do you blush so much?” Xavier asked curiously.

Of course, that made me blush more. Sighing, I slid my popsicle back out of my mouth, opting for the truth. I didn’t like beating around the bush. It seldom made things easier. “Because you run around half naked a lot and it’s making me nervous. But don’t worry, I’m sure in a few days I won’t even notice it anymore. You’ll just blend in with your surroundings.”

Xavier tossed me a look, then the lip twitch. He straightened and from my viewpoint down on the towel, he looked even taller. My eyes did the usual head-to toe-dip, and when I finally looked back at Xavier’s face and saw his arrogant smile, I knew that man would never blend into the background.

“We need to film the last sequence,” Xavier said.

I prepared for a very undignified scramble to my feet when he held out his hand to me. I took it, surprised, and he pulled me to my feet as if I weighed nothing. My stomach did a little flip it definitely wasn’t supposed to be doing around my boss.

I dropped Evie off at Connor’s house before heading to my penthouse. I didn’t have much time to get ready anymore.

The filming took longer than expected, mostly because I enjoyed how flustered Evie got. I had never seen someone blush as much or ferociously as she did.

When she’d started licking that popsicle, I’d thought she’d try to come on to me, but she had been completely oblivious to the effect her sneaky tongue had on me. She was surprisingly pleasant to be around despite being Fiona’s twin, and her brand of humor, from what I’d seen so far, would undoubtedly prove entertaining in the future.

When it was almost time to leave for Network Ten’s party, I chanced a look down at my Rolex. If we left now, we’d be on time, but Evie wasn’t here yet. As if on cue, the keys turned in the lock and the door pushed open. “I’m here!” she called out a warning, and I stifled a grin. The sight of her shocked face this morning had been entertaining, more entertaining than fucking Shannon if I was being honest.

She stepped inside then clapped her hand over her heart as she spotted me close by. She was out of breath and obviously flustered. “Good god, don’t scare me like that.”

“You’re late,” I drawled, my eyes drawn to her hand, which was still resting on her impressive breasts.

Guilt flashed across her face. “I’m sorry. It took longer than I expected to find something suitable to wear, get ready and return here. I don’t have a car so I have to rely on public transport. It won’t happen again.”

