One Cold Night (Prince Brothers #1) Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Prince Brothers Series by Aliyah Burke

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

“She’ll just tell me to tell you not to bother. I’m not warning her. Once you’re there, she’ll let you stay.” He sat up and scratched his chest. “Call me before you drive up to her house and I’ll head after Waysl. I want to make sure you’re there. I’m sure he has some people nearby her place.”

“Consider it done. This coffee is for you, I heard you tossing and while I’d recommend you get more sleep I know you won’t. So, get up, drink the caffeine and get ready to move. I’ve got a plane to catch.” He placed the mug down and walked to the door.

“Thanks, Davis.”

“No problem.” His brother vanished through the doorway only to pop his head back in. “Lock up when you leave, please.”

“I’ll do my best to remember. Not like I have anything else on my mind.”

Davis waved and was gone. John sat and drank the coffee. His brother was right, he did need more sleep but he was up now. He needed to get ready so he climbed off the bed and headed to the shower. Ten minutes later, he was eating a meal after which he would be strapping on the gear, he typically wore for an SRT call, leaving off the bulletproof vest until he actually left the house.

While he waited to hear from Davis, he ran over the plan more in his head. There wasn’t any room for failure this time. He had to end this. The fucker had gone over the line when he threatened Leena. And while he wanted to be there at Leena’s he needed to be the one to take Waysl down. For the time, he’d have to trust his brother to keep her safe.

She’s also probably going to be way more receptive to having him show up than me, given how disappointed she was with my comment.

He snapped on his leg holsters and shoved his pistols in them after checking the magazines. Time was almost ready.

Chapter 12

Dogs are miracles with paws.

* * *

Leena looked around at the dogs watching her as she fixed their food. Hugo had settled right in. Her pack was used to dogs coming and going in the house so for them it wasn’t an issue. Hugo had worked with other dogs before so he wasn’t dog aggressive, but she watched them carefully just the same. She blocked him in the laundry room at night so he wouldn’t have to deal with them coming and going. Right now, all of them were lying on the floor as she mixed up the food.

“See, being inside is so much better, Hugo. Give it time, you’ll be one of us.” She’d not let him out with the others to run free. It was too soon for that. While she was fairly certain all would be fine, it wasn’t a chance she was willing to take. He was, after all, an intact male. The others were Argo’s pack.

She fed them all then cleaned up from her own meal. As they ate, she washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. After they’d rested from their meal, she bundled up and took all five of them outside together. Hugo was on a leash but he was with them all. They walked the property fence line.

Later on that day, she was out with him alone in the exercise pen, so he could be off leash. She had some time before her afternoon classes began. As she sat on the box, she’d put out there, a car drove up the drive. Hugo looked at it and stood alertly. She monitored him, no distress. He wasn’t excessively panting, he just stood there as if he hadn’t a care in the world. She knew he watched it all, however.

It wasn’t a vehicle she recognized, and she pushed to her feet and headed for the gate. Hugo was there, blocking her way when she tried to slip out. He did it twice in a row.

“Okay, how about if we go together? You and me. We’ll add in some other training.” Once the leash was snapped on, the dog didn’t try to stop her but walked calmly at her side. Despite retaining a relaxed hold on the leash, she wasn’t stupid. Many people got injured because a dog bolted and yanked the leash free, ripping it out of the hand, oftentimes causing injury. One reason she never used nylon leashes, only leather. They didn’t cut like a zipping nylon one would. And having been on the painful end of that occurring once, she wasn’t inclined to allow it to happen again.

Tervs were powerful dogs so she watched his body for any indication something he didn’t like that would get a response. Hugo didn’t pull, whine, or strain against the leash. “Good boy,” she praised as they walked.

