On the Mountain Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84533 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 423(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 282(@300wpm)

I wasn’t supposed to hurt Cyrus. I was supposed to protect him, love him, show him that he was worth more than he believed.

“Crow…come with me. I need to get you into a cool bath.”

I don’t remember making the decision to move. I didn’t make a decision to do anything, wasn’t sure if any of this was really happening, but one moment I was in bed and the next I was in the bath, hissing and flailing because the water felt too cold against my skin.

Then, I was in bed again.

The three boys across the table were looking at me and giggling quietly. The foster parents didn’t seem to notice. I wanted to take my food and go into the other room or refuse to eat, but I was starving because I’d already gone two days without eating. I fought with myself to hold out, to last longer because then maybe if I did, they would let me go home, they would let me go back to my mountain where things made sense and people didn’t stare at me and call me names. Where they didn’t sneak into my room when I fell asleep and dump water on me, take my things, or try to cut my hair.

“Eat up, Crow. Please. You can’t starve yourself,” the woman said. I think she wanted to be nice, but I just wanted her to leave me alone. Wanted everyone to leave me alone. People were so loud here, and they didn’t follow any of the rules. They weren’t Enlightened and—no! I wasn’t supposed to care about that. I hated him. He’d hurt my mom, had killed her, had taken away the only person who loved me. The person who loved me more than anything else, even if that was wrong and it was supposed to be God and Chosen above all else.

She was gone. I didn’t protect her. I hadn’t shown her I loved her the way she loved me. I had failed her.

My stomach growled.

I was so hungry.

I scooped some stew into my mouth. Once I started, I couldn’t stop, bite after bite after bite, inhaling it, devouring, before picking up my bowl and swallowing the rest.

The kids laughed again.

I threw my bowl at them, hitting one in the head.

“Crow!” the man said, then dragged me to the room they said was mine but that would never be mine. I belonged on the mountain, to the mountain.

I wasn’t in there long before my stomach started to gurgle. I ran to the bathroom and couldn’t leave for hours. The boys had put laxative in my food, but I was in more trouble than they were because I’d cut his temple open with the bowl.

“Don’t trust anyone in the outside, Crow. They will poison your mind and your body, give you things they say will protect you, but really, it’s just for control,” Chosen’s words came back. He’d been right. The boys did exactly what he’d said people would do. Did that mean he was right about everything?

No! He killed her. He took my mom away from me!

He tried to kill me too.

They took me to another prison they called home. This wasn’t my home. It would never be my home.

Kids took things from me, hid them, threw them out. Laughed at me. They stole the notes I’d written about Chosen…about Mom… Made fun of me for them. When I fought them, it was my fault. Always my fault.

I just…wanted to go home.

“I want to go home.”

“Baby…you are home. I’m right here with you.”

“Cyrus?” I didn’t know if I was talking or if this was in my head. How was he here with me when I was a child, back in the outside world?

“Crow?” a gentle voice said, soft and loving.


“Oh God. He’s hallucinating. I don’t know what to do, Melody. Tell me what to do,” Cyrus cried.

“I’m sorry…didn’t want…to hurt…you…”

And then everything went black again.



“I’ve got to get him some medication,” I told Melody, trying to tamp down the panic rising inside me.

“You need to get him to a hospital.”

That was definitely something I should do, but I also knew Crow, knew he didn’t trust anyone and how bad his experiences with the outside world had been. I worried what would happen if they tried to take him to the hospital. My mind flashed back to the way he’d nearly broken that guy’s hand, how his wrists had been bruised from the handcuffs. He would hate me.

But he would be alive.

That was the most important thing.

“I have to…I have to try something else first.” He was sleeping again now, though I didn’t know how long that would last. Sometimes it was brief, others it was hours.

The past two days had felt like the longest of my life. I hadn’t gotten any sleep, my mind unable to shut down, my worry for Crow a heavy weight that just kept growing.

