No Time to Lie (Masters and Mercenaries – Reloaded #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries - Reloaded Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 145091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 725(@200wpm)___ 580(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Her eyes rolled like the brat she was. “I think I’ll forgo getting in the middle of Kyle’s drama.”

“Oh, but he could probably use a little stress relief because MaeBe called off their raiding date for what could be a real date.”

Taylor gasped. “Really?”

He had her full attention now. “She told him she was going to a club she’d been invited to.”

“She’s going to a club? Like a dance…oh, shit. Is she going to Sanctum?”

“She is indeed, and Big Tag is going to sneak his phone into the dungeon so he can trade gossip with his wife, who is also at Sanctum this evening.” He wondered if that was what Big Tag used his ball sac for now. It might make a nice pouch for his cell. “Kyle is reaching Housewife levels of drama. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sneaks away in the middle of the night and drives back to Dallas to yell at the dude who MaeBe’s staying with.”

“He wouldn’t really do that. Would he?”

“No. I kind of wish he would. I understand why he did what he did, but I wish he’d taken Mae and gone into hiding and let us deal with this. He’s had enough pain from my sister.” He could be amused all day by what Kyle was going through, but there was guilt mingled with it.

“You know you aren’t responsible for what your sister did,” she said quietly.

“Doesn’t feel like it.”

She started to say something and then shook her head. “I wasn’t going to do this.”

“You weren’t even going to talk to me?”

“No. This. Talking about anything that doesn’t have to do with the mission or anything personal. If this is going to work, I need you to understand there’s no you and me at the end of this.”

“This? What is this?” He needed her to work through this in her head.

“You know what I’m saying. If I let you top me for the purposes of relaxation and stress relief, I need you to understand that’s all this is.”

His hope surged, and so did his damn cock. That part felt good. He’d been utterly unaroused by anything for months and months. It felt good to want something again. To want someone. He felt himself shift into that place he found on a dungeon floor, his shoulders going straighter, his voice deeper. Most of the time he needed to be unthreatening, easy to look over. It was the mark of an excellent spy that not many people noticed him.

He wanted her to notice him.

“I think I can handle what you need.” He was lying, of course. He fully intended to be with her at the end of this op, but he wasn’t about to tell her. “Should we negotiate a contract?”

“I think a standard will do fine, and we can go over it tomorrow. Tonight, I want to forget I’m here for anything but to decompress. I want to watch some scenes, and then I’d like for you to make me cry. It’s hard for me to cry, and I feel it building up. I might need some dominance play to get me into the right headspace if I decide I’d like to try sex.”

He hated the fact that they were talking about this like she was ordering takeout, but it was where he’d put himself, and he wouldn’t argue with her. But he needed to make sure he understood. “Dominance play? Are you asking me to force you?”

“I’m asking you to pretend to force me, and not exactly,” she tried to explain. “I’m asking you to be dominant with me when it comes to sex. I know how to use a safe word, and I won’t hesitate if the scene gets to be too much.”

She wanted him to play the bad guy. He hated that, too. She wanted to take all the tenderness out of any sexual encounter they might have.

Well, Tag had told him she might have to compartmentalize in the beginning. He wanted to argue with her, wanted to have the discussion they needed to have, but he would lose if he did that. Instead, he moved into her space, looming over her. “Are we starting?”

He wouldn’t touch her without permission, but once she’d given it, as long as they were in this dungeon he would have all kinds of rights. He intended to use them.

She stared for a moment and he worried she might change her mind, but then her chin dipped slightly, a nod of agreement.

He let his hand find the back of her neck, cupping it and tightening slightly so she could feel his strength. Sure enough, her eyes started to dilate.

Maybe she wanted the dominance for more than mere compartmentalization. Maybe she needed it to enjoy sex.

He could give it to her.

“Then let’s begin.”

Chapter Ten

What the hell was she doing?

