No Saint (My Kind of Hero #2) Read Online Donna Alam

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: My Kind of Hero Series by Donna Alam

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 122506 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 408(@300wpm)

“Sit down, Mila.” The phrase brooks no argument flashes in my head. That tenor. It’s not one I’ve heard from him before. And I don’t know how I feel about it.

“Okay.” I shoot him a cool look and make to move to the seats opposite. He reaches for my wrist, making me still.

“Sit here.”

“What difference does it make?”

“Would you just fucking listen? Sit your ass down next to me.”

“What has gotten into you?” I mutter, lowering myself to my original seat.

“I just think you should be close when you see this.”

He hands me his phone, and my heart sinks as I read the heading.

Chapter 25


A Little Bird Told Us . . .

news that will rock the London dating scene. Lean in my little cluckers, because do we have juicy news for you!

Fin DeWitt, our favorite man about town, the darling of the gossip columns and one of the head honchos over at Maven Inc., is officially . . .

Off the Market!

Yes, you heard it here first. Fin and his dark-haired mysterious mate were spotted getting spliced at the jewel in the crown of the DeWitt resort hotel chain’s exclusive Indah Atoll on the weekend.

“Oh, no.” I press my hand to my mouth. “Oh, no, no, no.” I glance up, my gaze finding Fin’s. “What the fuck? How did this happen?”

“I guess someone tipped them off.”

I can barely process his answer, let alone make sense of his expression, my eyes drawn to the rest of the article. Like a car crash in the making.

You might remember last week a Little Bird reported Fin’s partner in crime, Oliver Deubel, and his fiancée, Evie Fairfax, were seen climbing aboard Maven Inc.’s private jet at London City Airport, but we had no idea it would be to attend Fin’s nuptials.

A Little Bird would like to pass on their congrats to him and his new wife, twenty-nine-year-old wedding planner Mila Nikols . . .

“They know my name!”

“I know.”

. . . while also offering commiserations to the rest of us.

“Well, that’s just charming,” I mutter without looking up. Why not just print Congratulations, you bitch!

Single women everywhere will be crying into their G&Ts tonight, along with a few of the married ones, who may or may not include Princess Marta of Castile before her divorce came through. Allegedly.

And what of posh girl Charlotte from the TV sensation, Made in Richmond? We recently reported the previous beauty to hold Fin’s attention was snapped trying on wedding dresses. Though the plummy reality-TV star and sometime influencer has yet to make an official response, a source close to her has confided that she’s “heartbroken.”

A Little Bird feels you, hon. We really do.

Don’t forget to check out the exclusive images! We especially like the one of Fin wearing a bright-pink fedora while frolicking on the beach with his curvaceous wife. We’re happy to see his porn-star ’stache is no more, but the jury is out on that haircut.

Meanwhile, a Little Bird is trying to work out why Mila—a native of London’s East End and the owner of Trousseau, a boutique wedding-planning company—was hired by Evie Fairfax and Oliver Deubel to plan the pair’s upcoming nuptials.

Which a Little Bird thought was happening on the DeWitt resort . . .

Mystery or coincidence? Watch this space for more details as they come!

#TheEndOfAnEra #SadFaceGirls #ThanksForTheMemories

I’m going to cry. Or scream.

Actually, I can’t quite make out how I’m feeling. Curvaceous? That’s just internet speak for fat. What the hell? What did I do to them?

But they did mention Trousseau, so that’s good. Except for the other implications. Stealing the nation’s favorite bachelor is one thing; to have (allegedly) stolen him from another woman—well, that’s the kind of smack talk that gets you (virtually) pilloried!

“This is going to ruin my business.” My words sound eerily calm. So matter of fact.

“I don’t see how.”

My head turns his way, anger flaring inside my chest. “Did you not read this?” I say, holding out his phone.

He takes it from my hand and slides it away. “I think you came off quite well. It’s me they made sound like an asshole. For what it’s worth, Princess Marta is an investor in a couple of Maven projects.”

I hold up my hand. “I don’t care.” Do I?

“As for Charlotte, I’ve seen her around, sure. And I’m pretty sure we interviewed her brother for a position with Maven, but that’s it.”

I huff but don’t look up. There are enough images of them together on the internet. “Yet she’s ‘heartbroken’?” I say, making physical and very snarky speech marks around the word. My God, am I jealous? I think I am—jealous and annoyed that she might’ve had her paws on this man. Of all the ridiculous . . .

“I’m sure she could squeeze out a few tears for the cameras. Isn’t she on some reality TV show?”

