Ninth Circle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142664 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 713(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

I knew it was all about her, Alyssa. She was always the one he cared most about. That’s why I hate her the most. I could never kill his love for her entirely, not even when she cut him out of her life. In fact, once she did that, he seemed to try even harder, though she never seemed to care.

My poor daughter had tried her best to get him to love her the same way. I’d even cut off contact between her and her biological father as a way to make Corbin step up, and he had for a while, but now everything seems to be going haywire.

Turning up at the airport to find that my ticket had been canceled was the first blow, and then Mitzie being arrested because her name was on some list only confounded the whole situation. I still don’t know what that list was or why her name was there. They tried explaining that it was something to do with traffic tickets but what sense does that make?

I tried buying another ticket, but there was no money on my card, no money in the bank account, nothing and I had no access to Corbin’s. That’s when real panic started to kick in. That, and when my calls kept going directly to voicemail, is what really made me start to panic.

Things that I hadn’t paid attention to or given thought to in years were suddenly at the forefront of my mind. All the things I had done and should have done to secure my future were suddenly weighing heavy on me.

There was no change at home. Everything was still the same, as far as I could tell. Corbin hadn’t taken his clothes or any of his important stuff, so I knew he hadn’t run off. But the thought of him on that island playing happy family with Gigi and her kids was more than I could take.

If that wasn’t enough, now I have these fucking fleas all over my house. I’ve never seen this many fleas in one place before, and my whole body is now covered in bites from my face to my ass. I can’t even go to the pharmacy for itch cream because my card is empty, and since it’s the weekend, I have to wait until tomorrow to get to the bank and fix this.

If his kids were still here, I’d swear they were the ones responsible for all this, but there’s no way they could’ve done any of this. So, who was it? I thought of my lovers, any one of whose wife could be behind this, but if that was the case there was nothing I could do. If Corbin ever found out about my affairs, my prenup would be void, and I would get nothing.

I felt panic rise up as my head wanted to explode. I can’t even get my kid out of jail or hire a lawyer, and there’s no way to get in touch with Corbin. I don’t have any of his kids’ numbers. Not one of them had ever given me the time of day and had always treated me less than the dirt they walk on. Even when they used to stay in touch with their father, they never acknowledged me, and that all stopped once Alyssa went off to college.

That’s when I realized that he didn’t really care about Mitzie. What Alyssa did had broken him, and he’d spent the last five years trying to win her and her brothers back to no avail. I hadn’t cared then, but maybe I should’ve paid more attention.

I can see now that I had grown too comfortable. But how was I to know that his kids’ reaction to the divorce and the fact that his ex-wife never remarried or dated anyone would make him turn out this way? I should’ve made him share my bed and should’ve forced the issue when he claimed to be suffering from erectile dysfunction due to the stress of the divorce and subsequent fallout.

Maybe that had been a lie as well. Maybe he’d just been biding his time. I had no answers and no way of getting any now that he was out of the country and not answering his phone. I thought at first that it was because of his location that my calls weren’t going through, but now I’m not so sure.

I sat on the couch feeling stressed the hell out and jumped right back up when the fleas descended on me en masse. I opened my mouth to scream and scare them away and ended up with my third mouthful of the disgusting things.


Hahaha, life is hilarious. Now, I’ve done seen and heard it all. I’m not gonna lie; I had my last child at thirty-three years old, and it took a toll on my body and mind. Life is unlike the movies, where everything is always sunshine and roses. No one ever tells you about being tired all day, every day, after having four kids.

