Ninth Circle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142664 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 713(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

I washed my hair and tried to remember if I had ever filled out a survey or something giving away this information. He wasn’t back by the time I was done, so I sat at the vanity with the hair dryer and brush and set my phone down in front of me.

I hadn’t forgotten my little side hustle after all. Now, before I left home, I had canceled Helen’s and Mitzie’s plane tickets as well as having Mitzie arrested at the airport because of the warrants for her many traffic tickets. I’d also taken my Dad’s phone while he was preoccupied and blocked both of them while I was at it, so there was no way for them to get in touch.

Now, I wanted to see the aftermath, and for that, I opened their Ring app, which I still have access to because I was the one who set it up for Dad about a million years ago. I don’t think, in fact, I know; he doesn’t realize that I have access.

I had to go back hours to find her return home and the massive meltdown she had on screen while she tried to call Dad over and over again. I knew she had to be out of her mind right about now, so I went to the live stream after watching the worst of her freakouts, and she was still pacing back and forth in their living room, trying to get through to Dad in between cussing him out to whoever would listen on the other end of her phone.

Her biggest gripe, which I foresaw, was that Dad was alone with Mom and his kids, but mostly Mom, but after everything Mom had shared, I now understood her years of hatred. She had to threaten Dad to stay with her and it must gall her to know that he wanted to go back to Mom and us when he did.

I looked through the photos my brothers and I had taken with Mom and Dad throughout the afternoon once we landed here and got to work with a little photoshopping. By the time I was through, it looked as though Mom and Dad were standing with their hands around each other. Now, it was my body and Mom’s head, but since we’re about the same size and height, she’d never be able to tell.

Once my masterpiece was finished, I posted it to my social media, after blocking my entire family for reasons with the caption, look who became best friends again. Since I know both she and her daughter stalk my pages as if I have the answer to life, I knew it wouldn’t be long before she got the notification.

I watched her on the screen and almost fell off the stool laughing when she screamed and threw her phone across the room. I removed the picture immediately, of course, and unblocked my family after uploading the original. If she makes a comment, she’d be looking crazy.

She picked up the phone and made sure it was working, then stormed off out of view. She’s going to be even more pissed when she realizes that there’s no money in her joint account with Dad except for the twenty dollars I left her after severing her access to his accounts. My work was done for the night.

“Are you done?”

“Done what?” He walked into the bedroom after I got dressed and was ready to go. He just smirked at me and held out his hand, and like an idiot, I took it. “Done what?”

“With your shower, of course. I suppose you’d like to return to the resort. Your family will have a lot of questions. Since you’ve already got everything set up for Saturday, I guess there’s nothing left to do as far as the wedding.”

“Yeah, there is, your name is not Denny Sharpe.”

“Ah, you’re referring to the license, of course. Now ask yourself, why would I pay thousands of dollars for a dress and forget to take care of the most important detail?”

“You got a marriage license.”

“Yes, and in California, where you get half of my shit if we split after ten years.”

“Hah, there’s a hidden message in there somewhere.”

“Of course, if you want half of my money, you’ll have to stay with me for at least ten years. I believe I can wear you down in that time.”

“How does your mind work?”

“About the same as yours. But I have to say, you missed a step. If you really want to stick it to the… what was it again? Oh yes, homewrecking skank and her bitch daughter, before your Dad returns, you should have had the house condemned.”

“What?” My pulse began to race.

“You heard me. He wouldn’t know what really happened; he’d suspect her of subterfuge because he came to your wedding, and there’d be a big fight. Then one of your brothers, or we will have to put him up while she goes to hell for all we care.”

