Never Say Never (Western Wildcats Hockey #4) Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Western Wildcats Hockey Series by Jennifer Sucevic

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 92422 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

My mouth falls open. “You’re joking.”

“’Fraid not.” He steps closer and drops his voice. “If I told you, I’d have to tie you up and⁠—”

I roll my eyes and shove him back a pace or two. “I meant that the coffee shop on campus has a drink named after you.”

When his grin intensifies, it becomes necessary to stomp out the arousal attempting to bloom to life in my core. This is exactly how he slides into bed with so many girls. A killer smile coupled with a charming personality—which he has—can work wonders on the female species.

But not me.

I’m the exception to the rule.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

I force my gaze to the to-go cup and grumble, “Yeah, it is.” There’s a beat of silence before I clear my throat, strangely tempted to take another sip.

I give in to the urge.

Damn him.

It really is amazing.

I clear my throat and force myself to remember that I don’t like this guy.

“Well, it seems like your objective has been achieved. You rather creepily found out where I live and delivered your peace offering.” I raise the cup. “Thank you and good day.”

As I take a step in retreat, ready to slam the door in his face, his hand springs out, the palm smacking against the wood.

With a frown, I glance at it and then him.

“I thought we could chill together. Maybe get to know one another a little better.”

Spend time with Colby McNichols?

No way.

I have zero desire to spend another second in his company.

All right…maybe that’s not one hundred percent true, but being alone with this guy would be a mistake. It’s disturbing to realize that I’m not as immune to his charms as I’d originally thought.

“You realize that it’s super stalker-like to just show up at my door, right?”

His face scrunches for a second or two as if seriously pondering the question. “I think what you meant to say is that it’s super romantic I took the time from my busy schedule to track you down and make my interest known.”

Laughter gurgles up in my throat as I shake my head. “Nice reframe, bro. But no.”

He cocks his head. “Did you just call me bro?”

I smirk. “Guess I did.”

“Huh. Is it weird that I kind of liked it?”

The corners of my lips tremble before I flatten them.

Ugh. This guy is completely dangerous.

He needs to go before I cave.

“So…like I told you the other night, I’m not interested. Even with this tasty coffee, my opinion hasn’t changed.”

He flashes another high-wattage smile. “I figured that you couldn’t possibly mean it.”

“Actually, I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. I am most definitely not interested in you.”

“Wow. It’s a good thing I have such high self-esteem or that might actually hurt.”

“Oh, I think your self-esteem will be just fine. You can find someone else to kiss your fragile ego.”

“I’d much rather you kiss⁠—"

“Hey, Britt!”

I drag my attention away from Colby, only to find Lance standing beside him. I try not to notice how my neighbor is both shorter and less muscular in comparison to the brawny hockey player.

With a frown, Lance looks Colby up and down before dismissing him.

His expression brightens as he turns his attention back to me. “Have you given any more thought to getting together this afternoon?”

Unsure what he’s talking about, I rack my brain. “Getting together?”

“Yeah. We talked about making plans last week while studying.”

“Oh, right.” I nod, remembering that he floated the idea after I’d picked up my guitar and played the song I’ve been working on. From everything Lance told me, he wasn’t into pop culture and didn’t watch reality TV.

I’d become so absorbed in the music that I’d forgotten he was sitting across from me until he clapped and whistled, asking for an encore. He’d gone on to say that I was good enough to play professionally. That’s when I shut down the convo.

“When were you thinking?”

Lance looks at his watch. “I’m free if you are.”

“Ummm.” I give Colby a bit of side eye. This would certainly be the easiest way to get rid of him. “Yeah, sure. That works.”

“Great!” Lance beams before pumping his fist in the air. “This is going to be epic!”

I wouldn’t go that far.

But at least I won’t have to spend time⁠—

“Hey, would you mind if I tag along?”

Lance blinks at Colby.

Say no.

Say no.

Say no.

“Sure! The more, the merrier I always say.”

Well, shit.

“I’m sure you’re super busy with hockey and…” My voice trails off.

Screwing groupies?

He grins. Almost like he can hear the thoughts running rampant through my head. “Nope, I’m all yours for the next couple hours.”

My shoulders sink as I frown. “Lucky me.”

“I know, right?” Laughter dances in his eyes. “Isn’t it amazing when everything falls neatly into place?”

I press my lips into a tight line and glare. “When that actually happens, I’ll let you know.”

