Naughty Neighbors Read Online Free Books by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 25457 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 127(@200wpm)___ 102(@250wpm)___ 85(@300wpm)

“How do you know about that?”

“I read the gossip rags same as everybody else.”

“Look Ashley, you’re a beautiful girl, and one day you’re gonna...”

“Save it, it’s not gonna work on me I’m a psych major.”

“You’re a what?”

“Psych major, what, did you think I was just another stereo typical airheaded blonde? Shame on you.”

She sat down on one of the lounge chairs and that headband she calls a skirt rode up even farther on her thighs, until I could see the crotch of her pale pink panties.

What is this kid trying to do to me? “So you’re not interested in being an actress like your mom?”

“Been there done that, I was a child star until I turned fifteen.” She turned those orbs of hers on me, like I wasn’t sweating enough as it is.

Wow, she really is fucking gorgeous. Her eyes are some kind of turquoise color that I’d heard were real, but still couldn’t believe it.

Her thirty-four D breasts on her tiny frame were spectacular. I wasn’t sure they weren’t store bought though, that’s how perfect they were.

But her ass, fuck, her ass was fuckable as shit. It was a little rounded but not too much, and it curved just right with just a little bit of flare at her hips.

Her legs were long and shapely and her whole body had that California all year round tan that looked like warm honey. In other words she was a stone fox and my dick wasn’t going to be able to withstand the assault much longer.

We talked for the first time really since we’d met, and I found that a lot of what I thought about her wasn’t true after all.

She seemed to have a good head on her shoulders and instead of the glitz and glamor I was sure she would be after, she seemed more interested in settling down to a much calmer life.

Still, I wasn’t going there, she was still too young and there was just too much that could go wrong.

“Aren’t you going to offer me something to drink Zachary?” she gave me a coy smile that had warning bells going off in my head.

“Sure, what would you like?”

“A wine cooler would be nice if you have one, if not then a beer is fine.”

I didn’t keep wine coolers around since I was going through my dry spell with the ladies, and maybe that’s why she was able to catch me out there.

Chapter TWO

I came back outside to find her naked and doing laps in my pool. I watched her amazing body as she sliced through the water like an Olympian.

Her body really was spectacular, all clean lines and those breasts, which came into view every time she raised her arms.

She saw me standing there and made her way back to my end of the pool. She showed no reticence or shyness when she pulled herself up out of the water and made her way over to the little alcove where I kept the towels.

Walking back over to the lounge, she started slowly drying her legs, looked like she was drying each individual drop of water one by one.

My mouth was dry, but I figured I still had a shot. All I had to do was stay away from her; no touching and I will be fine.

And then I saw the twinkle of the little jewel between her pussy lips, right where her clit was, just peeking out of its hood. Fuck me.

She lifted her head and looked at me. The look in her eyes said she wasn’t leaving this backyard until we fucked.

She held my eyes as she walked over and took the long forgotten beer from my hand. Her fucking nipples were pierced, my cock was gasping for breath like a dying man.

“Thanks neighbor.” She licked the mouth of the bottle before sucking it between her lips like a cock.


“Shh, relax; why don’t you heat up the hot tub? I feel like a nice long soak.” She turned and went back to the lounge chair and her ass was the last straw.

I fought my conscience as I walked over to the tub to turn it on. Even as I reminded myself of all the reasons this was a bad idea, I was stripping out of my clothes.

She came over and took my hand so I could help her step down into the deep water.

She sat down on the underwater seat and tipped her beer back before leaving it on the rim. Her breasts bobbed above the water and I could already taste them rolling around on my tongue.

I ditched my underwear, which was my last holdout and climbed in beside her. She gave me a knowing look like she knew she’d won.

I decided to give this little girl a taste of her own medicine. She’d asked for it after all, so hopefully she could handle it.

“If we do this, we do it on my terms, no strings attached. When one of us decides it’s over then we go our separate ways, no hard feelings.”

She looked like she had to give it some thought, like she was mulling over all that I had said.

“If you don’t agree to those terms we’re not doing this. You can crawl right back out of my hot tub and go back next door, no harm done.”

The look she gave me should’ve given me pause, but all I saw was her smile and her little hand coming from beneath the water to shake mine.

“Deal, only one more thing, we can’t see anyone else while we’re doing this.”

I pulled my hand back; this was sounding too much like a relationship, which is the last thing I wanted. I might want to fuck the pretty teenager from next door, who wouldn’t?

But I wasn’t about to hang up my dream of hearth and home, and unless she understood that shit, my dick was staying put.

“Sorry, no can do, we’re not having a relationship here Ashley.” You’re such a prick Zach; can’t you see the girl has a crush? Yeah well, that’s too bad.

