Nash (Bangor Badgers #2) Read Online Samantha Whiskey

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Bangor Badgers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

“Give me an example of one that feels different,” she says. “Maybe you’re overthinking it. I can offer a fresh perspective since I don’t read them.”

“Oh, good idea,” I say, leaning over my desk to look at my notes. I wrote some down in my iPad that I felt were a little…ick. “Here’s one that I flagged in my notes,” I say. “Marentrade could score a goal in every single net I have, and I’d say thank you every single time.”

“Yikes,” she says. “That’s still inuendo enough that I don’t hate it, but I get the feeling you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, and here’s another one,” I continue. “Did you guys see his wife on Insta? Like, how does she hold down a man like that?”

“Eww,” she says. “That’s just wrong.”

“Right? Like, I get it. Half the men on the Badgers are gorgeous, but why go after their wives or girlfriends?”

“Hold up, do they say things about you too?”

“Yeah,” I say, shrugging even though she can’t see me. “But it doesn’t bother me. I know what a catch Nash is. I don’t need trolls on the internet to tell me that.”

“Ugh, babe, why didn’t you tell me?”

I laugh. “Why? So you could go respond to the mean ones?”

“Maybe,” she says.

“I promise you, it doesn’t bother me at all. But, I can’t say the same for Daniel’s wife. I’ll do a check-in with him tomorrow, but do you think I should take this video down?”

“That’s a tough call,” she says. “I can’t believe people can be so invasive. I mean, I can believe it, but damn. Are they all like that or is some of the engagement good like your other videos.”

“Definitely not all,” I say. “I can’t read them all, but there are a ton of good ones on there. Even a few comments from bigger brand pages who I know are looking at him.”

“And that’s why he wanted a feature, right?” she asks.

“Yeah, that’s why they all do,” I say. “The attention is a good icebreaker for making deals. I’ve been setting up several meetings to talk spotlight edits with a bunch of different Badgers. I even have one set up for Liam’s friend, Darrell.”

“Oh, yikes, good luck with him.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“I don’t know,” she says, hesitantly. “Whenever he’s with Liam, it’s like…they feed off of each other. Liam turns into a different guy when he’s around his friends, so I try my best to only see him solo, which is pretty easy since he lives right next door to me.”

“If you think his friends are a red flag…” I say, letting my sentence hang there.

“I know, Blakely and Pax have already lectured me enough. It’s not like it’s super serious between us, we’re just having fun. Well, I am. He’s serious sometimes.”


“He does a lot of drop-bys,” she says. “Which I guess is normal since he’s literally right down the hall from me. But still, you know me, I like a heads-up. Plus, he keeps trying to lock down all these future plans and you know I’m not about that.”

“I know you hate planning too far out,” I say. “Have you told him it’s a more casual thing for you?”

“Yes,” she says. “But he laughs and jokes about if it’s not serious then why do I see him so much?”

“But you see him so much because half the time he’s dropping by unannounced?”



Monroe laughs. “It’s definitely interesting. I do have fun with him, especially when he’s not around Darrell or Jake. So, there’s that.”

“Okay, well, you know I’m here if you ever need to talk that out more.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m good now. Again, I’ve told him a dozen times I’m not a serious relationship person. If he doesn’t accept that soon, I’ll dip out.” She sighs. “Now, what are you going to do? It sounds like the video is mostly doing what you want it to do, which is get your player attention.”

“Right, it is. If I delete it, he’ll lose all that traction and won’t have it as a reference for deals. And I would turn off the ability to comment, but the interaction only propels the views.”

“Shit, I don’t envy your career right now.”

“I never envy yours,” I tease. “I could never learn every muscle name and function, let alone how to manipulate them to give the team relief.”

“We all have our talents,” she says. “Yours is definitely helping the team too, just in a different way. I don’t think the comments are bad enough yet to risk losing him a potential deal.”

I blow out a breath. “I’m leaning that way too. I’ll keep an eye on it though. Hopefully they don’t get worse, but you know the internet.”

“Yeah, feed it what it wants too much and eventually it’ll shit on you.”

“Exactly. Okay, thanks for talking this out with me.”

