Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)





More giggles.

“That’s…for fuck’s sake.” Daddy winced. “Sorry, baby.”

Naughty Daddy.

Naughty book.

Naughty cuddles.

“They all need therapy.”


Daddy needed the slow, happy stories about town people. Yes. I could find that.

Project time.

I was a planner like Daddy.

“Daddy?” Daddy needed a distraction. “Cuddles.”

I wiggled over Daddy until I was on his lap again. “I like book time but now I need cuddle time. And kisses.”

I leaned closer and closer and stole a kiss. “Got one.”

Daddy laughed and book time was over. “You’re so silly.”

“Not a goose.” I scrunched up my face and pretended to be a Daddy. “Not a goose.”

“You’re a silly mage.” Daddy made the best frowny Daddy face. “A silly mage who’s done something with his furniture and who wants to stop at the grown-up stores when we drive and who knows about all the people going into the closet.”

Lots of people went in the closet.

“Daddy likes rules and privacy. No going in the closet.” But I could give him a kiss, so I gave him lots of kisses. Peck. Peck. Peck. “But we can cuddle here.”

Daddy was trying not to smile as he wrapped his arms around me. “I like cuddling with my mate.”

“Your silly mate.” I almost not giggled but he was so funny. “You take care of your silly mate.”

Nodding, Daddy stole a kiss from me that time. “I do. I love taking care of my mate, silly or funny or when he’s a scary mage who’s protecting his Daddy.”

Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle.

“I do good at that.” I was good at being sneaky too.

I wiggled and kissed and gave Daddy the big innocent eyes until he was moaning and wiggling too. “You’re…you’re teasing me, little mage.”


And I was a good tease too.

I was smart and funny…Daddy said so.

“Noooo, I’m Daddy’s good boy and good boys get kisses.” Lots of wiggly kisses. “And they get cuddles and snuggles and they get their backs and bottoms rubbed.”

Daddy did his eyebrow Daddy look. “They do, huh?”

I nodded and didn’t giggle at all.

“Let me guess…the men at the diner or Kenzie told you so?” Daddy sighed when I nodded. “I shouldn’t ask. I shouldn’t. You haven’t been out of my sight long enough for that conversation to happen.”

He was so silly.

I was good at going potty fast so I could listen more.

“The men at the diner asked Kenzie about what a Daddy did besides make rules and mac and cheese, so he told them. And he told them about spankings and happy time and veggies and then his Daddy caught him.” Someone tattled. “His Daddy made lots of sighs and glared and made the naughty men snicker.”

They liked being naughty.

“I need to watch you more closely.” Daddy looked confused, like he wasn’t sure how to do that. “Somehow. I’ll figure it out.”

Daddy was sneaky…he was thinking about tracking his boy.

I was sneakier…I sent Daddy a picture of a collar.

He closed his eyes and moaned again. “You are definitely teasing me.”


And I was the bestest at it.

“Nooo, Daddy.” I had a cute pout when he opened his eyes. “Teasing boys get spankings. I’m not naughty. I’m your good boy.”

Kind of.

Daddy squished his lips together and nodded, still trying to frown, but I could see smiley giggles in his eyes. When he finally spoke, he tried to sound sad and sorry. “I understand the rules. That’s why I’m saying you’ve been teasing me.”

Oh…he was playing the game.

I pouted and gave him my big eyes, but I wiggled on his lap too. Side to side and right over his happy spot. I looked so innocent Daddy’s head cocked and he made a thinking sound. I wanted to try to look more innocent but Lorne had told the librarian that wasn’t a good idea.

Too cute looked naughty too.

They were smart.

“I’m pretty sure I’m still being teased.” Daddy tightened his muscles and sighed. Daddy wanted to get more happy but he was trying to be serious. “I’m so sure, I’ve decided it’s spanking time.”

Had to look sad and sorry.

Little pout.

Sad eyes.

“Really, Daddy?” Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. “A spanking?”

I was so smart.

Gonna get a spanking.

Gonna get a spanking.

Gonna get a spanking.

“Yes.” Daddy shrugged and sighed. “You need to learn not to tease your Daddy.”

Learning was so much fun…but I still had to look pouty and sad. “I want to be a good boy, Daddy.”

Sometimes. So it wasn’t a lie.

His eyebrow raise said I needed to practice more.

“I believe that sometimes you want to be a good boy because it makes Daddy happy.” He huffed and puffed. “Like understanding Daddy doesn’t want to go in the closet.”

“It’s okay.” Cheek kisses for Daddy. “Not everyone likes closet time.”

Everybody else did…so many everybodies that they had a trash can and wipes in the closet. They were all good planners too. Just about naughty things and not about portal things. But that was okay because everyone had different stuff they were good at.

