Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Okay, that had been hilarious.

“I don’t think anyone would’ve noticed. They were too busy trying to keep their eyes in their heads. His implication that we were some kind of dinosaur hadn’t gone over well.” He either couldn’t read the room or just hadn’t cared…maybe both.

“I think we should make sure he gets to hang out at the diner.” Merritt’s snicker was definitely sliding toward silly little territory. “I wonder if the men know that the Florida man might be a dinosaur?”

My groan pushed his little side closer to the surface because his smile widened and his arms started swinging at his sides. “They’d be very helpful, Daddy.”

“They’d certainly try to do something for him.” Or possibly to him. “Let’s not scare him, though.”

I wasn’t sure how that conversation would go, but I could easily picture chaos ensuing and someone getting offended.

“He’s from Florida, Daddy.” Merritt rolled his eyes and sighed. “We wouldn’t scare him.”


“Okay, you might have a point there.” But the whole thing made me wonder how he knew what alligators thought of dragons.

But before I could get trapped in that mental horror show, Merritt took my hands and started to swing them. “What do you want to do for dinner, Daddy?”

Not something overly adult, that was for sure.

“I do not have a plan, but now that I’m thinking about it, something relaxing.” And possibly something that would qualify as fun. “Do you have any ideas or is this a Daddy make a decision thing?”

I was fairly certain I knew the answer to that question but I let him shrug and step from side to side like he wanted to bounce or dance. As we got close to the car, he finally peeked up at me, trying to look cute. “Can we go to my house this time and have mac and cheese and play toys?”

“I think that sounds like a very relaxing dinner.” Kissing his head, I led him around to the passenger side as we ignored everyone else. “What do you think about stopping by my room first so I can grab an outfit for tomorrow? That way we won’t have to do it in the morning.”

He might not want to stay little all night, but the chances of either of us wanting to go back out after dinner were slim to none. It’d been an incredibly long day and I was going to do my best to avoid everyone but Merritt.

“Yes.” Bouncing on his toes, he kissed my cheek and let me help him into the car. “I have a toothbrush for you, Daddy. I’ll share my shower stuff.”

Campground showers.

The things we did for our mates.

“Perfect. Thank you.” Kissing his forehead, I buckled him in and tried to think through the rest of our evening. “Do me a favor and help me decide if there’s anything else we need to do before we go back to your house.”

He got the cutest thinking face on and nodded decisively as I shut his door and went around to the driver’s side. Even with everyone still trickling out from the meeting and just milling around town, it finally felt peaceful and we just got a few nods and smiles aimed in our direction.

If it were that quiet all the time, I’d have loved it, but on a break earlier we’d gotten cornered by an antique old man who’d asked us if we knew about the playdates that happened over at the VFW Hall. On one hand, I was glad they were looking out for people, but on the other, I was not ready for whatever they considered normal playdates.

So while I was pleasant and nodded back at everyone, I was grateful to get in the car and escape. Merritt seemed to understand at least part of that because he was fighting back a smile as he reached over to pat my head. “Daddy’s all done.”

“Oh yes.” Letting out a deep breath, I rubbed my head against his hand and smiled as his giggle finally escaped. “They’re exhausting.”

Merritt didn’t agree with me but he did pat my head again. “I’d go to a dinosaur park, Daddy.”

“I know.” My slightly exasperated tone had his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed snickers. “And judging by the deputy’s quiet groans, so would his mate.”

“Kenzie.” Rocking side to side, Merritt made another happy sound. “He made good cupcakes.”


“How many good cupcakes did you eat?” He hadn’t wandered away from my side that many times, had he?

His snicker said I needed to keep better track of my mate.

“He’s nice.” Shrugging, Merritt leaned forward and started playing with the radio buttons, scanning through them like a madman. “I’m nice.”

So to be nice he’d needed to eat cupcakes?

The logic was suspicious and highly questionable, but at least he seemed to be making new friends. “Being nice doesn’t mean ending up with a tummy ache from too many cupcakes.”

