My Midnight Moonlight Valentine (Vampire’s Romance #1) Read Online J.J. McAvoy

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires, Witches Tags Authors: Series: Vampire's Romance Series by J.J. McAvoy

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 122946 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 615(@200wpm)___ 492(@250wpm)___ 410(@300wpm)

“I think you should share,” Ulrik told him. “After all, she must be exhausted by your company.” His head shifted down to me. “Aren’t you, young one?”

“I do not get exhausted—”

“Look at his face, Ulrik,” Melora giggled. “He looks like he’s been enjoying his mate so much that he refused even to blink, let alone sleep.”

“He’s probably worried she’d vanish if he closed his eyes.”

They were like a ping pong ball, going back and forth so quickly, leaving no room for anyone to get anything in. Theseus was neither surprised by it nor amused. I felt at any moment, he would just turn and walk away. However, his eyes only fell on me, concern in them.

“Aww he’s worried about her with us, Ulrik,” Melora actually awed.

“We aren’t going to bite her…Well, on the other hand.” Ulrik brushed the side of my hair, and in an instant, Theseus was in his face, their noses almost touching.

“Enough, brother,” Theseus sneered. “We are not yet at home.”

It was then I remembered, we were still in the arrivals wing of the airport. It was only the humans to slow down or watched curiously. I couldn’t imagine how we must have looked to them. A group of impossibly beautiful and tall “humans” altogether, arguing. Ulrik was much calmer, his face relaxed, yet serious. He stared directly into his brother’s eyes and inhaled deeply, even though he didn’t need to. Even Theseus looked taken back by this new expression.

“Finally,” Ulrik stated, nodding his head and reaching up to place his hand on top of Theseus’s shoulder. “Your eyes are alive.”

Theseus’s eyebrows twitched in confusion, but before he could question him, Ulrik pulled him into a tight bear hug. “I’m so happy for you little brother.”

“Ulrik!” Theseus struggled but then sighed, rolling his eyes before hugging his brother back.

“It brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?” Melora pretended to sniffle beside me with her arm still linked in mine.

I met her gaze and her vibrant hazel eyes.

“Are you all always this touchy?” I questioned back automatically but slightly regretted it, seeing as how it was my very first words to her. “I mean—”

“Forgive me, unfortunately, my mate’s ways have rubbed off me.” She beamed but didn’t release my arm. “As you can tell from yours, it’s much easier to give in to his way than to argue.”

“We aren’t mates.” I was pretty much a broken record.

“Ahh, yes.” She nodded. “We heard you created a limbo stage. You call it intending?”

“You heard? From who?” I asked.

“Everyone.” Ulrik grinned, now using his brother’s shoulder as an elbow rest.

Theseus spoke to the vampire who carried our luggage, and the man nodded, walking on ahead.

“The whole vampire universe is abuzz because of you two,” Ulrik went on. His blue eyes looked me up and down slowly. “And I can see why. Magic is your gift. It’s spiraling like a tunnel around you. I’ve never seen so many bright colors, not even from witches.”

“Really?” Both Melora and I said at the same time. Only Melora stepped back, letting me go to see it for herself. However, as far as I could see, there was nothing but air.

Melora frowned, not seeing it either before walking over to her mate. “At the house, you must show me.”

“As if you would let me keep it to myself, dove.” Ulrik winked at her.

“Are you both finished?” Theseus questioned, his voice even more exhausted than before. “We’d like to actually leave the airport sometime today.”

He reached his hand for mine, and I took it. He didn’t wait for either of them to respond before walking with me. A little faster than before, but not so much that the humans would question. Though, I was more worried about the scene we’d made.

“It’s like you’re all invisible here,” I said to Theseus, watching as the humans went by. Someone would stare briefly, admiringly, before going on as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

“Not invisible, just normal,” Melora replied. She and Ulrik were already beside us. The only thing keeping Ulrik from creating another scene was whoever he was texting at the speed of light.


“We’ve lived here for centuries, Druella,” Theseus stated. “And because of us, we have attracted many of our kind. The country is only so big; to them, it’s just a land filled with beautiful people. Most of them are tourists, so they stare. But once we are in town and about in the city, you’ll see that most people will treat us as if we are no different from them. Just an ordinary person on the street.”

“Most ancient cities work this way.” Melora nodded. “When I return to Istanbul, the only time people actually stop and gawk is when I’m walking next to this one.” She pointed to Ulrik, who was still on his phone.

