My Dark Romeo (Dark Prince Road #1) Read Online L.J. Shen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Dark Prince Road Series by L.J. Shen

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 130414 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

Following her line of vision, Madison glared at me, too. With a rare sunny smile—and using every drop of serenity in my bloodstream—I breezed up three flights of stairs to the restaurant. At the double doors, a hostess and two waiters offered deep bows as they opened both sides.

So. Word had gotten out to management. Already, I enjoyed the fruit of my labor.

I proceeded to Shortbread, seized a chair from an occupied table without permission, and invited myself to join my wife and her ex-fiancé. “How’s the tuna, my dear?”

I swiped her fork and carved myself a nice, juicy piece, popping it into my mouth. Dallas scratched her temple, brows squishing together. Camera flashes glittered in my periphery.

“Darling, please close your mouth.” I used the tip of my finger to shut it for her, then speared a chunk of dead fish, hovering it between us. “It is so unbecoming to look like what you eat.”

Madison cleared his throat. “We were in the middle of something.” Sweat bled from his pores, as he sought a meltdown that would never come. “No one invited you to join us.”

I faced him. “You’re absolutely right. But I’m here with a proposition.”

He arched a single eyebrow. “Whatever it is, it won’t allure me.”

“Humor me.”

“Romeo …” Shortbread captured her glass. Water sloshed to the rim, courtesy of her shaky hand.

Whatever happened to the fountain of defiant attitude she drowned me in every waking moment of the day? Surprisingly, I did not find this timid version of her as appealing as the fiery one I’d grown accustomed to. That I thought of her enough to develop preferences should have concerned me.

Madison’s jaw flexed. His failed attempt to stare me down elicited rare, genuine laughter from me.

I plucked Dallas’s linen napkin and patted the corners of my lips. “Since you two obviously find it difficult to stay away from one another, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I can no longer stand in the way of what is clearly a once-in-a-lifetime love story.”

The silence at the table was so thick and loud, you’d think this was a morgue.

Madison spoke first. “You married her.”

“That, I did. See, there is a certain invention called divorce. It is incredibly effective and quick, especially for people with iron-clad prenuptial agreements such as ours.” I squeezed Dallas’s rigid hand. “Isn’t this true, sweetheart?”

She was pale as freshly fallen snow—and just as frozen. As always, her feelings were clearly written on her face.

Yes, your plan backfired. Yes, I know you want Madison Licht a little less than you want to have your limbs amputated by a shark. And yes, we both know that Madison is, in fact, more rotten than yours truly.

Madison tossed his napkin over his plate. “You took her virginity.”

“Don’t be such a prude, Licht. Your own virginity was lost so long ago and so scrupulously, I’d be surprised if it’s even in the same cosmos as us. Besides …” I spun my head back to Dallas. “Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? A way out of this marriage?”

“Yes.” The word shoved past her lips. “But not so I could enter another toxic relationship.”

Tsking, I fingered my jawline. “Should have specified.”

Madison’s eyes darted to Shortbread. “I’m not marrying her.”

She pushed back in her chair, unaffected by his rejection. “Same.”

“How devastating.” I yawned. “And here I thought an angel would earn its wings through my matchmaking skills.” When I stood, they mirrored my movements, glued to me with an intoxicating mixture of horror and trepidation. “Mr. Licht …” I angled my entire body toward him. “Kindly evacuate the premises.”

Madison pulled his shoulders back, straightening to his full height, ready for the showdown he’d anticipated. “You can’t tell me what to do. This is not your restaurant.”

“Actually, it is.” I collected my phone and slanted the screen in his direction. “The deed was signed earlier this hour. Admittedly, waking Jean-Pierre from his slumber in France to convince him to sell me this fine establishment was a challenge, but as you’re well aware, I never shy away from those.”

Madison gaped at the contract. “You bought this restaurant just so you could kick me out of it?”

“And every other restaurant and food cart on this street,” I confirmed, aware of the cameramen still surrounding us, too far away to eavesdrop. “Which means lunch breaks have become particularly challenging for you.”

“You can’t do that.”

“What is the point in telling me I cannot do things I clearly just did?”

“You’ve officially lost it. I heard rumors, but now I see it’s true.”

“Doubt I ever really had it.” I sighed. “Any parting words before I call security?”

Sadly, if there were such, I did not get the opportunity to hear them, because Madison all but stomped out of the place without as much as a farewell to the woman he’d shared brunch with.

