My Dark Knight (Kings of Hell MC #2) Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Angst, BDSM, Biker, Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Magic, MC, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Hell MC Series by K.A. Merikan

Total pages in book: 171
Estimated words: 159050 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 795(@200wpm)___ 636(@250wpm)___ 530(@300wpm)

“Try kicking higher, you’ll surprise your opponent,” Gray said, slowly circling Jake, who boxed one of the large punch bags. It must have been going on for a while now, since his bare chest shone with sweat.

Jake was a fine-looking guy, but like this—half-naked and with trim muscle glinting in the warm light of the lamp above—his physique made Elliot feel even smaller and less impressive. He almost wished he could excuse remaining in his jacket and scarf, but it was an impossibility in this kind of heat, so he followed Knight’s example and took off his outerwear.

Jake finally noticed them and grinned widely, hugging the punch bag. “Knight! You wanna join in?”

Knight shrugged. “Maybe. I was kinda hoping you guys could show Elliot a thing or two.”

Elliot froze, as if there was a spotlight pointing right at him, and he forgot his lines.

Jake scratched his head, his smile waning slightly. “I mean… is that his thing?”

Gray shrugged and in a quick, catlike move, pulled off the sporty black long-sleeve he had on. “I could assess him if he wants to.”

At the sight of another muscular chest Elliot took a step back. Gray wasn’t as big as Knight. Not even as big as Jake for that matter. His physique looked strong and lean like that of a dancer, but the veins on his arms and the chiseled stomach left Elliot to imagine that their strength would be nothing alike.

“I… I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Elliot muttered, but Fane shoved him forward at full force.

“Go on, you wimp. Learn some skills so I can use them when the time comes.”

Gray stretched, and the bandage on his arm reminded Elliot just how close he’d been to killing an innocent person because of Fane’s bloodlust. Fortunately, Gray had been briefed about the whole situation and didn’t seem to hold a grudge. Or, if he did, he was hiding it well for Knight’s sake.

“What do you want us to do?” Gray asked, gliding his gaze up and down Elliot’s lanky body, as if assessing every useless bit of him.

“I was thinking some basic self-defense. You’re better at that shit than I am,” Knight said, and Elliot could understand why. With Knight’s size, he didn’t need to resort to tricks and could easily overpower others with sheer physical strength. Gray on the other hand was much more Elliot’s #bodygoals. Elliot didn’t exactly hate the way he looked, especially now that he’d regained some weight, but he had always wondered how it would feel to put on some muscle. Still, this situation could be a humiliation in the making. And in front of Jake at that.

“You wanna train with me in the meanwhile, Knight?” Jake asked and stretched casually, as if he weren’t purposefully showing off his body in a shameless attempt to charm Knight.

Fuck Jake.

Elliot groaned and walked up to Gray, ready for his daily failure.

Gray put his hands behind his back and stood right on the outskirts of Elliot’s personal space, assessing him with his cool gaze. Substantially shorter than Elliot, he was strong and agile, capable of defeating any opponent if he put his mind to it.

“You’re tall. You could use that to your advantage,” Gray said, scratching a tattoo on his solar plexus. It was a round shape, with the white part of the yin-yang symbol and a missing space where its dark counterpart should be.

“Teach him headbutting,” Knight called out with a grin. He pushed back against Jake’s punch bag to withstand the fervent boxing from the other side.

“No!” Elliot’s answer came before he even thought much about it. “I’ve been hit on the head enough times to know I don’t wanna.”

“Pussy.” Jake laughed and winked at Knight.

Rage exploded in Elliot’s gut. Seriously? That was how they would be playing?

Knight shrugged. “What do you know about pussies, Jake? Last time I checked, Elliot doesn’t have one.”

Elliot smirked, instantly feeling like standing straight. There. Jake was not winning this round.

Jake groaned and punched the punch bag a few times in a row. “I’ve been with a few girls back in high school.”

Gray shook his head. “Jake, what are you trying to prove?”

“I’m just saying I do know something about pussy.”

“And you’ve seen me fuck Elliot at parties, so you know you’re wrong. Are we done with this bullshit?” Knight asked in the same level tone.

Jake shoved at the punch bag so hard Knight actually had to step back so that the thing wouldn’t knock him over. “Yeah, we’re done. I was done for the day anyway.” He walked off with his shoulders stiff, and Elliot noticed Fane follow him with his gaze.

“That man has so much potential,” Fane said, grinning from ear to ear. “He’s still growing, but I can’t wait to see him in full blossom.”

Elliot rolled his eyes and made a gagging noise. When Knight raised his eyebrows at him, Elliot just said, “Fane.”

