My Best Friend’s CEO Dad Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 55765 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 279(@200wpm)___ 223(@250wpm)___ 186(@300wpm)

“What’s going on?” Lukas asks.

“Finn’s told me some pretty crazy stuff,” Kayla murmurs, in that tone that tells me she’s struggling to keep it together. It’s the same tone she had when her mom passed.

“He has?”

Finn looks up, his eyes bloodshot and watery. He looks miserably at Lukas. “I told her everything I had to. All the stuff that was eating me up.”

He emphasizes me. Is that a hint? Is he telling us he hasn’t revealed the recording? Then what else could he have said?

“I didn’t know what to do,” Kayla says. “If I should call the cops.”

“Ashley,” Finn mutters, shuddering as though fighting off a sob.

“Who’s Ashley?” I ask.

“His sister,” Kayla says.

“My big sister,” Finn grunts, “but I had to take the lickin’. I had to take it. Otherwise, that piece of shit would have hit…” He keels over, puking again.

“The cops?” Lukas says. “Explain, Kayla.”

“Finn’s drunk, Dad,” she responds, “but he said⁠—”

“They’ve got Ashley,” Finn cuts in, “and they’ve got your friend, your business partner, Sebastian.” He speaks slowly and deliberately as if putting effort into getting every word right. “They’ve been using me for months. Trying to get me to seduce your daughter to get to you. If I don’t, they’ll hurt Ashley.”

“Wait.” Lukas bolts to his feet, his jaw pulsing as he clenches his teeth. I almost have to sit on my hands to stop myself from reaching up, touching him, trying to calm him down. It’s so painful to see my man in so much agony and not be able to help. “Who has them? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Dad, just let him explain,” Kayla snaps.

She’s defending Finn despite what he’s just admitted. I can read the tension in her face, the apparent internal conflict. She’s struggling not to let herself spiral into the drama and the stress. Now I want to go to her.

“They’re like a cult,” Finn says slowly. “Anti-technology. A bunch of up-their-own-ass morons.” He swallows, then places the wastebasket down. “Can I get a glass of water?”

When Kayla moves to stand, I say, “I’ll get it.” Going into the kitchen gives me a few moments to compose myself. I was so amped up on the way here, even if Lukas couldn’t tell. I was so ready for an explosion. Now, there’s this strange numb feeling. All I know is I need to be there for my friend, even if we’re still lying to her.

Finn sips the water. “They want to send the world back to the Dark Ages. It sounds stupid. It is stupid, but it’s what they want. Their leader calls himself Nobody.”

“Wait a second,” Lukas says, taking out his phone.

“Who’re you calling?” Finn says with a sudden edge to his voice. “If they think the cops are after them, they’ll kill my sister. They’ll kill your friend.”

“I’m not calling the cops,” Lukas says. “I’m calling my private investigator. He’ll need to hear all this, too.”

After Lukas makes the call, Finn goes on. “This Nobody ass hooked up with my sister, got her hooked on drugs, then kidnapped her. He’s had her prisoner for months. She’s all we have—I mean, each other. Mom and Dad are gone. They were scumbags.” Finn looks at Kayla. “I’m a scumbag, Kayla. I lied to you.”

“Just tell Dad the rest,” Kayla says stiffly. “We can talk about that later.”

“They wanted me to find some dirt on you,” Finn says, “but I thought to myself, screw that. If I get dirt, I’ll get some cash, and with that cash, I’m gonna run.”

I gasp. “And abandon your sister?”

“It’s hard to explain.” Finn buries his face in his hands. “To try and deal with this, I told myself I was some sociopath—a predator. I tried to tell myself I didn’t have feelings. I tr-tried…” He breaks down, shaking all over. If this is acting, then it’s beyond Oscar level. I’ve never seen somebody break down like this before, except when something terrible has happened. “But I can’t. I have to do the right thing. I have to. I need help. I’ve done bad things. I know that. I’ve lied, but I need to get Ashley back.”

“And I need Sebastian,” Lukas says fiercely. “What sort of state was he in when you saw him?”

“He had a nasty bruise,” Finn says. “He looked angry and ready for a fight.”

“We need to tell the PI everything,” Lukas says. “From start to finish, with as much detail as you can remember.”

Finn nods. “I’ll need some coffee.”

“I’ll make it.” Kayla leaps to her feet, leaving the room. I can tell she wants to find somewhere private to shed a few tears. I know her well enough to understand she doesn’t want me to follow her.

Finn glances at the door, then looks at Lukas. “They don’t have the recording,” he whispers. “I never showed it to them. I’m the only one who had it, and I never listened to the whole thing. Just enough to know what I had was worth something.”

