Mr. Picture Perfect – Spruce Texas Read Online Daryl Banner

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 135522 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 678(@200wpm)___ 542(@250wpm)___ 452(@300wpm)

“I’ll fix it,” Cole promises. “I’ll buy you a new mailbox, a new post, bring my sledgehammer … it’ll be up and new in no time.”

“No, no, don’t you bother yourself none with that, no, no. My husband will fix it. He’s always searchin’ for things to do around here, and honestly, I think we’re overdue for a new mailbox. That old ugly thing’s been out there since Jesus was a boy. Oh, Cole, you handsome young man, you!” she sings, unable to help herself yet again. “Oh, this is going to be so fun! It’s like a slumber party!” Then with a giggle, she heads off to the kitchen humming a tune to herself, leaving us be at last.

This is mortifying. She still treats us like we’re ten. “Cole, you really don’t have to stay if you don’t—”

“Your mom is so cute, I can’t stand it. Where does she get that energy from?”

“A hidden stash of methamphetamines, probably.”

“Wherever it comes from, I love it. And …” Cole leans in closer to me and lowers his voice. “… if you think I’m turning down an opportunity to spend more quality time with you, then you’ve got another think coming.”

I stare at him, blinking.

Cole’s eyes glisten with mischief.

To my surprise, I crack a smile.

I must say, I’m rather stricken by my behavior tonight.

First order of business: Who in the hell possessed and took over my body? Some kind of impish demon, I’m guessing. And it had its wicked way with Cole, and I’m not entirely sure it had my permission.

Secondly: How is Cole acting so casual and calm about this?

Thirdly: My mom is now essentially placing two reactive and dangerous chemicals in the same Erlenmeyer flask with no regard to imminent atomic detonation. That is standard chemistry lab safety protocol she is outright insulting with her reckless decision to invite Cole to stay over.

Finally: I already want to jump Cole’s bones again.

“You alright?” asks Cole, concerned.

“Yeah,” I decide. “Despite my mom bribing you like one of the neighborhood children into spending time with me.”

“Oh, I’m definitely being bribed to stay, no doubt about it. But not by your mom’s cookies.”

I squint at him, confused.

He takes a step toward me. He hooks his finger into the front of my pants, gives them a tug, and brings our hips together.

I stare into his eyes.

My heart thumps excitedly.

He puts a gentle kiss on my lips, inspiring tingles of joy up and down my neck, then brings his mouth close to my ear. “I’m being bribed by your cookie.”

I swallow hard.

Somehow, I think the night is far from being over.

Cole is no child to be bribed with sweets. He’s a grown man. A grown man with grown appetites. Every time I blink, I’m back in the darkness with him. Our bodies on top of each other. Jerking. Breathless. My heart playing the xylophone on my ribcage. Every inch of my skin tingling with uninhibited pleasure. I’m giddy. Part of me may still be in the dark, pressed against his body and kissing him with more passion than I’d ever put into anything in my life. That’s including an essay I wrote on the birth of the internet I poured my heart into my senior year. I got an A, by the way.

How was I even capable of doing all of that with him? Was it because we were alone and it seemed like no one in the world could touch us? Or the lack of lighting? Am I braver in the dark?

Or is it something about Cole that makes me lose myself?

And more importantly: can I be that brave again?

Suddenly his hand touches my cheek. “Noah?”

I stir out of my thoughts, eyes wide, then step back from him. “If you’re going to stay, then I should clean up around here a bit.”

I turn away to inspect my room.

Then I remember that I’m a disturbingly clean and organized individual, and there is literally nothing to tidy up. Not even a stray dirty sock on the floor or out-of-place notebook on my desk.

That leaves me to just stand here like a coatrack in the center of my immaculate room.

“Looks clean enough,” he says, then starts to circle the room. “Much, much neater than mine.” He stops by the shelf above my desk, which he seems to find interesting. “Wow. Are these mini figurines? You collect these?”

“Um … yeah, sort of, not really.”

He squints back at me. “So … is that a yes, or a …?”

“I used to play D&D. Well, sort of D&D, kind of. Back when I had friends to play with. If you can even call them friends. Back in school. Sort of.”

“Oh, wow. I don’t know the first thing about D&D, but these look amazing.” Cole walks up to the shelf to get a closer look. He glances back at me with a playful smirk. “Can I be … your knight in shining armor …? You like fantasy stuff, Noah?”

