Mr. Picture Perfect – Spruce Texas Read Online Daryl Banner

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 135522 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 678(@200wpm)___ 542(@250wpm)___ 452(@300wpm)

“I learned a long time ago, ya can’t wait on anyone’s approval for nothin’,” states Hoyt, a guy Cole and I went to school with, two years behind us, who sits next to Bobby with his knees hugged to his chest. He also works at Strong Fitness Zone with Cole, full-time now that he’s home for the summer from Fairview Community. He runs into Tamika now and then on campus, I hear. “The minute you decide to wait on other peoples’ approval, you’re puttin’ the person you love in second place, and that ain’t right.”

“You’re just talkin’ outta your butt,” calls out Jimmy. “How long did it take before you and Harrison became a thing? And was it not ‘cause you two were afraid of not havin’ anyone’s approval? So what if Harrison’s twelve years older than you? I had a friend in college whose girlfriend was sixteen years older. Doesn’t make any difference, man, age is just a number.”

Hoyt blushes and shrugs him off. “But it’s different with me and Harrison. Your friend probably sure as shit don’t live in a tiny Texas town with eyes all over ‘em.”

“Don’t talk to your boss with that sass in your voice,” Jimmy teases. “I hear it. You think I don’t, but I do.”

“Hey, that ain’t fair! We’re not on the clock right now!”

“I just realized it was last Fourth of July that you two made a big show of comin’ out to everyone.” Jimmy laughs. “Time really flies, huh? I’m happy for you, but don’t go makin’ lectures about not needin’ approval when you’re just as guilty as any of us for—”

Bobby stands up suddenly, interrupting their back-and-forth. “Yeah, I’m gonna go ask her,” he decides, then marches off toward the porch. Jimmy snorts with laughter, thinking he’s joking, then turns serious when he realizes Bobby isn’t stopping. “Hey, wait,” calls out Jimmy, launching himself from his lounge chair, “it ain’t a big deal! My mama didn’t tell me you were proposin’, I swear!”

After Jimmy and Bobby’s departure, Hoyt spots Harrison, who appears to have finally finished up his work on Gary’s farm, and hops up to greet him. I watch as the two join each other for a bold and unabashed kiss. I’m still close enough to hear Hoyt say, “Hey, no matter what anyone says, I never asked for anyone’s approval to be with you. You’re mine. I’m yours. And that’s that. Got it?” A somewhat perplexed Harrison slowly nods, says, “I’m just starved and need to get some food in me, pronto. I don’t know what you’re goin’ on about.” Hoyt winces, says, “Never mind,” then the two take off toward the covered grill area, where Mr. Paul Strong and Mr. William Tucker, owner of Biggie’s Bites and Billy’s father, are busy filling the air with the smoked aroma of tasty grilled meats.

That leaves me alone by the pool, still patiently waiting on my own man to arrive. I pull out my phone to check, then frown when there’s still no word from him. Did he fall asleep in the foam-block pit of the gymnastics area? Should I go dig him out?

“I’m sure he’ll get here soon,” says TJ, who finds me sitting by the pool by myself and ropes me into a walk along the back trails behind the house.

“He’s got more responsibilities now,” I point out, “after Jimmy promoted him into a management position.”

“He totally deserved it. Cole’s built for management, like he’s got ‘management material’ written on his forehead.”

I spot several guys playing some form of flag football in the field, likely members of Tanner’s high school football team. He’s an amazingly inclusive and engaging coach, always inviting his team over for their big holiday get-togethers—though it usually comes with strings attached, as the athletes are roped into helping carry heavy stuff and assisting with the setup process.

Strangely, there’s been little sign of Tanner himself anywhere, nor his husband Billy, despite their kids playing in the house.

“Hmm, I wouldn’t read too much into it,” says TJ with a pat on my shoulder when I happen to mention it. “You know … when you have been together as long as they have, the love doesn’t look the same as it used to from our perspective. Know what I mean? The honeymoon phase wears off. You start seeing each other less as lovers and more as partners, working together, compromising. And they’ve got those sweet kids they adopted, too, and they don’t want to let them down. They’re trying to give those kids the best life that they can. Meanwhile, Tanner’s got his work over at the school. Billy’s keeping up with T&S’s. Sometimes, it’s all they can do to find time for themselves. I guess that’s married life for you.”

The guys in the field cheer when someone scores. They jump on top of each other, laughing and shouting, their voices carrying over the grass and echoing everywhere.

