Misfit (Prep #1) Read Online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Prep Series by Elle Kennedy

Total pages in book: 136
Estimated words: 131789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

In fact, I’m certain I already regret this. What the fuck was I thinking?

And how the hell did he get me to agree to play on his terms when I know a hundred ways to dethrone Duke without throwing a single punch? In theory, at least. Because that’s the frustrating part. In reality, I don’t have jack shit on Duke, no matter how deep I dig. Not a single speck of dirt I can use to gain the upper hand with him.

But, fuck, maybe that’s a sign. Maybe hacking isn’t the route to take on this one. God knows it exploded in my face when it came to Sloane. So maybe the way to best Duke is to rely on the one thing everyone at this school has such a hard-on for: tradition.

“Awesome.” Duke’s smile widens. “Tomorrow night. Last man standing.”

“No way. Hold on.” Fenn again tries to grab the reins of this runaway horse. “Come on, Duke. Look at his face. You can’t expect this idiot to be in any shape for a fight on a day’s notice. What the hell kind of leadership fight is that?”

“He’s the one who asked for it.”

“Like I said, not too bright. But you can at least make it fair,” Fenn argues with some desperation. “How will it look to everyone else if you go out there and pound on some guy who’s already broken and way out of his depth?”

Once again, they’re talking about me like I’m not in the room.

“Again, not my problem.” Duke is smug as he crosses his arms.

“Give him some time to train. A month. It’ll make you seem more reasonable and if you win, it’ll be a way more convincing deterrent if you took on a worthy opponent.”

He snorts a laugh. “You think you can turn him into a fighter in a month, knock yourself out. I wouldn’t be worried if you took six. But have at it.”

I might have to side with Duke on this one. I’m not too proud to admit I was thoroughly outmatched the other day, and I can’t see how a few weeks changes that. Guess I was planning to rely on fortitude and a little good fortune.

A larger part of me starts to come around to the idea, however. It sounds liberating, knocking Duke off his pedestal of egomania and wresting this school from his authoritarian clutches. Anything to get him off my back and start enjoying a little goddamn freedom.

“So it’s settled then,” Fenn says. Cautiously relieved.

“Under one condition.” Duke glances at me, eyes gleaming. “You have to take a time penalty.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I demand.

“It means, if I’m giving you a month, you have to give me something. So if you lose, you leave school. For good.”

“That’s not really up to me. Our parents would never go for that.” I roll my eyes. “How am I supposed to spin something like that?”

“Figure it out. Or I’ll go to the headmaster and tell him you’ve been sticking it to his daughter.”

“Sidebar,” Fenn tells me. He holds up a finger at Duke, then pulls me out of earshot. “That’s not a bluff,” he murmurs. “If he tells Tresscott you’ve been seeing Sloane behind his back, he’ll expel you on the spot. There’s no coming back from that. The guy is beyond protective of those girls.”

“Then I better not lose,” I murmur back.

Fenn sighs.

I stride back to Duke, sticking out my hand. “Deal.”

Satisfied and practically salivating, Duke shakes my hand then saunters off. No doubt picking out a spot to hang my skull on his wall.

“So…yeah.” Fenn scrubs his palm over the back of his neck, taking stock of what’s just transpired. “We’ve got a month to make sure you don’t die.”

The next afternoon, Sloane calls my bluff and shows up with her history textbook and a binder full of notes. My mouth goes dry the moment she emerges from the path in that short uniform skirt and white dress shirt…which she immediately unbuttons after she sets her stuff down.

“What are you doing?” I growl.

“Relax,” she answers, rolling her eyes. “I’m wearing a tank top underneath. I’m hot.”

Yes, yes she is. So hot I can’t look at her without wanting to remove the rest of her clothing.

“Eyes up here,” she chastises. “We have much to discuss.”

I blink my gaze away from her tits. Which is difficult because they look amazing in that tight top. “We do?”

Sloane shakes her head in disbelief. “You agree to fight Duke again and think there’s nothing to discuss?”

“Oh, that.” I shrug. “I’m working on it.”

“Working on getting murdered?” she says dryly.

“On plan B.” I hesitate. “I know my hacking is a touchy subject, but I assume you’re cool with me trying to find ammo on Duke?” I ask, inspecting her expression.

“Go for it. I doubt you’ll find anything. With Duke it’s pretty much what you see is what you get.”

