Mine To Love (Southern Wedding #4) Read Online Natasha Madison

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Wedding Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 70092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 350(@200wpm)___ 280(@250wpm)___ 234(@300wpm)

Getting involved with Presley was the best thing that I've ever done, hands down, and a decision I will never, ever regret. Was it a smart move? Probably not. Did I want to go back and change how it happened? Fuck no. It was our history, and it was always going to be how we became. Was I tired of her sneaking out all the time and not staying? One hundred and fifty million percent yes.

Twelve years ago, I was at the bar a town over when I spotted her coming in. She had just turned eighteen a couple of months before, so I knew she had a fake ID to even get into this place. I watched her laugh with a couple of friends before she felt me staring, and when she did, she looked up at the ceiling. She also mouthed, “Motherfucker,” before she came over to me. My cock literally rose to the occasion, and I internally yelled at it, telling him that she was off-limits. I knew the look she was giving me was trouble. I just didn't know how much. I leaned into the bar and ignored the way my body was reacting to her. I ignored the screaming that was going on in my head. I ignored the fact that she was my best friend's little sister. I. Ignored. It. All. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, could have prepared me for what came out of her mouth next. "Hey, I need you to do me a huge favor." She leaned on the bar and then took my bottle of beer from my hand, bringing it to her mouth. At that point, so many things were going through my head. She wants me to lie about seeing her. She wants me to drive her home so she can drink. She wants me to pretend that I don't know her. I mean, the scenarios were endless. But nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for what she said next. "Can we have sex?"

I pour the coffee in the cup and laugh at the memory. I was both shocked and aroused. Also, I told her no right away. I take a sip of the coffee and head over to the couch, grabbing my iPad. I put the coffee down on the side table and look around at the almost empty house. It's coming along for sure, but I've been dragging my feet waiting for Presley to add her touch to it. Even without her knowing, I smile when I think about her. Every single part of me is in love with her.

I've known her for almost my whole life, having been best friends with her older brother, Travis, since kindergarten. When it was time to go off to college, I had no idea what I wanted to do, unlike Travis, who knew for sure what he wanted to do. So I applied to the community college, and I took a pre-law course for fun. You know what they say, that you know when you know. Well, the minute I was in that class, I knew. I knew that I wanted to learn the law. So I jumped in with both feet. Did I think I would drown? I did. Did I tell myself that no matter how many extra courses I had to take and that no matter how long it took, I would succeed? You bet your ass I did. I got my bachelor's in four years and then went to law school for the next three years. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and it showed me what determination and dedication meant. For seven years, I had one goal in mind and one goal only. I studied my ass off for the bar, and the minute I got the results, I got shit-faced and then ended the night with Presley in my arms. It was one of the highlights of my life. When I think about all of the highlights, she's a part of them in some way or another.

All my hard work paid off when I got offered a position at Coco & Associates right after I passed the bar. I was there for six years until I decided it was time to come back home six months ago. It also helped that they offered me partner, which I didn't have, while they courted me, so it was a no-brainer.

I mean, it's not like I didn't come home at all. In the beginning, it was less, but then when Travis almost got married years ago, I started to come back more and more. Each time I was home, Presley and I would just migrate to each other. Neither of us wanted to put a name on what we were doing. We would see each other in secret, and I didn't really care as long as I got to spend my time with her. But now that I'm back full-time, and this is where we both live, it's getting to be a thorn in my side.

